Hi Prabushi,

Actually there will be no permissions that directly assigned to the user.
All permissions are assigned through roles. By calling the above method in
user will indirectly get all permissions through roles which are assigned
to that particular user. If you need to get permissions for specific role,
then you can use the same method in role.


*Jayanga Kaushalya*
Software Engineer
Mobile: +94777860160
WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Prabushi Samarakoon <prabus...@wso2.com>

> Hi,
> Thank you for the clarifications Darshana and Jayanga.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Jayanga Kaushalya <jayan...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Prabushi Samarakoon <prabus...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> 1. Is there an  API method to get all the resources permitted to a
>>> particular user or a role?
>> Yes. You can use the method getPermissions(Action action) [1] in User to
>> retrieve all the permissions assigned to that particular user filtered by
>> the action. Permission is a resource + action. So permissions filtered by
>> the action is a list of permitted resources.
>  Ah great, now I understood that part. Can we use the same way for a role
> also? But in that case we might get duplicates of the resources right?
>>> 2. With this permission model, are we going to introduce the email based
>>> authentication for the products, or remain with the username model?
>>> 3. In our current management console, we have one view to create the
>>> user, and another view to create the user profile according to the given
>>> http://wso2.org/claims. Is there a particular reason to have the user
>>> profile in a separate view? Do we need to have two views for user creation
>>> and profile in C5 model also?
>>> Any clarification on above matters is appreciated.
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Prabushi
>>> --
>>> *Prabushi Samarakoon*
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Mobile: +94715434580
>>> Email: prabus...@wso2.com
>> [1] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-security/blob/master/comp
>> onents/org.wso2.carbon.security.caas/src/main/java/org/wso2/
>> carbon/security/caas/user/core/bean/User.java#L188
>> Thanks!
> Thanks and Regards.
> --
> *Prabushi Samarakoon*
> Software Engineer
> Mobile: +94715434580
> Email: prabus...@wso2.com
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