Hello everyone,

I'm getting in touch through the mailing list since I haven't set up my Jira 
account yet.

I'd like to discuss the content found at 
https://yunikorn.apache.org/docs/user_guide/prometheus/. It seems that out of 
the box, it doesn't offer sensible default values. Typically, Prometheus is 
deployed as a comprehensive solution, not just for a single service like 
yunikorn. Thus, suggesting a configuration change that alters the global 
interval rate to 3 seconds might not be the most advisable approach. Instead, 
I'd argue that adjusting this interval isn't necessary, especially considering 
you're recommending adding another job to the static config.

Specifically, I propose the following adjustments:

  *   Eliminate the global block from the configuration.
  *   If an evaluation_interval is suggested, ensure its value matches the 
scrape interval.
  *   Set the scrape_interval to either 15 seconds or 30 seconds. I lean 
towards 15 seconds as it should be more than adequate.
Encourage users to avoid using overrides in the scrape_configs. Instead, they 
could utilize annotations on the service or implement a serviceMonitor when 
using Prometheus Operator.
This is honestly a more easier solution that doesn't involve changing 
Prometheus 'core' configuration

Thanks in advance,


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