Hello everyone,

I would like to call a vote for releasing Apache YuniKorn 1.5.2 RC1.
This is a minor release which contains only bugfixes.

The release artefacts have been uploaded here:

My public key is located in the KEYS file:

JIRA issues that have been resolved in this release:

The release (similarly to 1.5.1) solves a deadlock issue. If possible, test
Yunikorn with workloads that put Yunikorn under stress (ie. thousands/tens
of thousands of pods).

Git tags for each component are as follows:
yunikorn-scheduler-interface: v1.5.2-1
yunikorn-core: v1.5.2-1
yunikorn-k8shim: v1.5.2-1
yunikorn-web: v1.5.2-1
yunikorn-release: v1.5.2-1

Once the release is voted on and approved, all repos will be tagged
1.5.2 for consistency.

Please review and vote. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours
and closes on Firday 26 Jul 2024 16:00:00 CEST.

[ ] +1 Approve
[ ] +0 No opinion
[ ] -1 Disapprove (and the reason why)

Thank you,

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