Really the logs are critical here. If you can provide them it would shed light.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Benjamin Reed <> wrote:
> i've seen it before when the configuration files haven't been setup
> properly. i would check the configuration. if the leader is still the
> leader, it must have active followers connected to it, otherwise it
> would give up leadership. i would use netstat to find out who they
> are.
> ben
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Marshall McMullen
> <> wrote:
>> Zookeeper devs,
>> I've got a cluster with 3 servers in the ensemble all running 3.4.0. After
>> a few days of successful operation, we observed all zookeeper reads and
>> writes began failing every time. In our log files, the error being reported
>> is INVALID_STATE. I then telnetted to port 2181 on all three servers and
>> was surprised to see that *two* of these servers both report they are the
>> leader! Two of the nodes are in agreement on the Zxid, and one of the nodes
>> is way out of whack with a much much larger Zxid. The node that all writes
>> are flowing through is the one with the much higher Zxid.
>> Has anyone ever seen this before? What can I do to diagnose this problem
>> and resolve it? I was considering killing zookeeper on the node that should
>> not be the leader (the one with the wrong Zxid) and removing the zookeeper
>> data directory, then restarting zookeeper on that node. Any other ideas?
>> I appreciate any help.

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