Github user maoling commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: zookeeper-docs/src/documentation/content/xdocs/zookeeperAdmin.xml 
    @@ -840,6 +840,26 @@ server.3=zoo3:2888:3888</programlisting>
    +          <varlistentry>
    +            <term>txnLogSizeLimitInKb</term>
    +            <listitem>
    +              <para>(Java system property: <emphasis
    +              role="bold">zookeeper.txnLogSizeLimitInKb</emphasis>)</para>
    +              <para>Zookeeper transaction log file can also be controlled 
    +              directly using txnLogSizeLimitInKb. Larger txn logs can lead 
    +              slower follower syncs when sync is done using transaction 
    +              This is because leader has to scan through the appropriate 
    +              file on disk to find the transaction to start sync from.
    +              This feature is turned off by this default and snapCount is 
    --- End diff --
    > This is because leader has to scan through the appropriate log file on 
disk to find the transaction to start sync from.
    Could you plz explain it for me? when this happens?
    BTW:only change zookeeperAdmin.xml is ok,let html,pdf go


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