I was preparing the first rc of 3.6.0 but unfortunately it failed as I have
found a blocker issue

This is the issue

The short version of the story is that the source tarbal does not reflect
the git repository, some directories are missing and there is some curn in
the c client.

I am working on a fix

Meanwhile....if you have cycles it would be very helpful if you take a look
to the staged artifacts of 3.6.0-rc0.

you can find them here:

the Maven staging repository is;

I won't call for a vote for 3.6.0-rc0.

The first call will be for 3.6.0-rc1 as I have already created a tag for
release-3.6.0-0 and I don't want to mess up the repository of anyone who
already "git fetched" the tag.

Stay tuned


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