+1 (non-binding)

- I built the code and executed the java/C unit tests using 8u242
(everything passed, except PurgeTxnTest.testPurgeWhenLogRollingInProgress
what seems to never work on my machine.. I saw it before to be flaky also
on the apache jenkins, I created a Jira iticket for fixing it:
- Using https://github.com/symat/zk-rolling-upgrade-test
  - I tested rolling upgrade from 3.5.7 to 3.6.0
  - I tested rolling restart on 3.6.0 to enable the multi-address feature
with the new quorum protocol version
- Using https://github.com/symat/zookeeper-docker-test I also tested the
multi-address feature (disabling and re-enabling different virtual network
interfaces to see that the cluster always recovers)

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:13 PM Enrico Olivelli <eolive...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is the fifth release candidate for 3.6.0.
> It is a major release and it introduces a lot of new features, most
> notably:
> - Built-in data consistency check inside ZooKeeper
> - Allow Followers to host Observers
> - A new feature proposal to ZooKeeper: authentication enforcement
> - Pluggable metrics system for ZooKeeper (and Prometheus.io integration)
> - TLS Port unification
> - Audit logging in ZooKeeper servers
> - Improve resilience to network (advertise multiple addresses for
> members of a Zookeeper cluster)
> - Persistent Recursive Watch
> - add an API and the corresponding CLI to get total count of recursive
> sub nodes under a specific path
> The full release notes is available at:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310801&version=12346617
> *** Please download, test and vote by February 28th 2020, 23:59 UTC+0. ***
> Source files:
> https://people.apache.org/~eolivelli/zookeeper-3.6.0-candidate-4/
> Maven staging repo:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachezookeeper-1053/
> The release candidate tag in git to be voted upon: release-3.6.0-4
> https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/tree/release-3.6.0-4
> ZooKeeper's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
> https://www.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/KEYS
> Please note that this new major release introduces a new JAR for
> zookeeper client users: zookeeper-metrics-providers
> The staging version of the website is:
> https://people.apache.org/~eolivelli/zookeeper-3.6.0-candidate-4/website/
> Should we release this candidate?
> Enrico Olivelli

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