On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

>> >I checked driver man pages in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/*/*.man
>> >Almost every driver implements the options:
>> >HWCursor, SWCursor however they are documented differently.
>> Further, having two separate options is silly.  It is a two-state switch:
>> either the driver tries to use a HW cursor, or it always forces a SW
>> cursor.  What happens if you specify both, or neither?  I'll bet different
>> drivers come to different conclusions.
>  That's why I only documented one of them.  We could settle
>on one to document.  The "nv" driver supports both because 
>people seem to use either.

This is more for the list than you Mark, as you know this of 
course.  ;o)

The X server has a plethora of ways of indicating the same 
boolean meaning:

Option "swcursor"
Option "SWcursor"
Option "swcursor" "yes"
Option "sw cursor" "TRUE"
Option "hwcursor" "false"
Option "hwcursor" "no"
Option "NoHwcursor"
Option "s    W___________c___    u__R   S  or"  "Y     e    S"

all of the above options should do the exact same thing, and
enable software cursor (or disable hardware cursor depending on
your perspective).  Likewise, similar options for hwcursor will
enable it.  The majority of drivers default to using the hardware
cursor in all cases, however some of them default to using
swcursor either due to hardware cursor limitations, or bugs in
the hardware cursor code in the driver, sometimes just for one
chip.  The colour ARGB cursors add a new twist to this as well,
as some hardware simply doesn't support using ARGB cursors in
hardware cursor mode.

Without specifying "swcursor" nor "hwcursor" you'll generally get 
hardware cursors if the driver supports it on your hardware and 
doesn't disable it due to hardware limitations or broken driver 
workaround hacks.  If you're using the new colour mouse cursors, 
then wether you get hardware cursors or not depends on the driver 
and chip also.

Since you might get hardware or software cursors by default 
depending on the variety of variables involved, both of the 
"hwcursor" and "swcursor" options make sense in a general X 
server sense.  As a human, I think "I want hardware cursors" or 
"I want software cursors" rather than "I want hardware cursors" 
or "I want no hardware cursors".

Also, removing one of the two options from XFree86 would not
really provide any benefit IMHO, and it would break config file
compatibility and a lot of pre-existing usage.  If it were deemed 
that this was the way to go anyway, and one of the two options 
were to be eliminated across the server and all drivers as a 
whole, I would only find that rational if all other options in 
the X server followed suit, and thus remove all redundant options 
at once.  There is a lot of redundancy in the config file syntax.  

That was purported as a feature way back when I presume, and it's 
debateable wether or not it was a good thing or a bad thing I 
guess.  ;o)

Hopefully it doesn't change majorly between non-major X server 
generations, as that makes upgrades a PITA.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris

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