Add support for RISC-V qemu virt machine. Most of the changes are migrated from
edk2-platforms repo and followed the latest guidelines for EDK2 code 

The changes at a high level are,

1) MdePkg:
        - Add RISC-V register definitions
        - Add RISCV_EFI_BOOT_PROTOCOL related definitions
        - Add BaseRiscVSbiLib library to make ecall to machine mode firmware
        - Created Null instance of the NorFlashPlatformLib library class
        - Moved NorFlashPlatformLib.h from ArmPlatformPkg

2) UefiCpuPkg:
        - Refactor modules/libraries as per latest guidelines
        - Add RISC-V support in below modules/libraries.
                - CpuTimerLib, CpuExceptionHandlerLib, CpuDxe
        - Add new CpuTimerDxe module

3) ArmVirtPkg:
        - Migrate below libraries/modules to OvmfPkg
                - PlatformBootManagerLib, PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe
        - Fix up the consumers of these modules

4) OvmfPkg:
        - Refactor the libraries/modules as per latest guidelines
        - Add RISC-V support for below libraries/modules.
                - Sec, ResetSystemLib, PlatformInitLib, PlatformPei
        - Add optimized version of NorFlashDxe driver
        - Add NorFlashQemuLib (Copied from ArmVirtPkg and SbsaQemu)
        - Add new DSC/FDF files to build for RISC-V virt machine

5) MdeModulePkg/EmbeddedPkg:
        - Migrated NvVarStoreFormattedLib from EmbeddedPkg to MdeModulePkg
        - Fix up the consumers of NvVarStoreFormattedLib
Changes since V2:
        1) Fixed issues detected by CI 
        2) Added an extra patch to fix up the consumers of 

Changes since V1:
        1) Added couple of patches from Ard to optimize the NorFlashDxe in Ovmf.
           Note: There will be a separate patch series in future to update 
           consumers of NorFlashDxe driver.
        2) Migrated NvVarStoreFormattedLib from EmbeddedPkg to MdeModulePkg
        3) Created Null instance of the NorFlashPlatformLib library class
        4) Moved NorFlashPlatformLib.h from ArmPlatformPkg

These changes are available at:

The changes are tested on risc-v qemu with an additional patch series to
enable pflash available at

Cc: Abner Chang <>
Cc: Daniel Schaefer <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Cc: Zhiguang Liu <>
Cc: Ard Biesheuvel <>
Cc: Jiewen Yao <>
Cc: Jordan Justen <>
Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Cc: Rebecca Cran <>
Cc: Peter Grehan <>
Cc: Brijesh Singh <>
Cc: Erdem Aktas <>
Cc: James Bottomley <>
Cc: Min Xu <>
Cc: Tom Lendacky <>
Cc: Eric Dong <>
Cc: Ray Ni <>
Cc: Rahul Kumar <>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <>
Cc: Sami Mujawar <>
Cc: Andrew Fish <>
Cc: Jian J Wang <>
Cc: Anup Patel <>
Cc: Heinrich Schuchardt <>

Sunil V L (34):
  MdePkg/Register: Add register definition header files for RISC-V
  MdePkg: Add RISCV_EFI_BOOT_PROTOCOL related definitions
  MdePkg/BaseLib: RISC-V: Add few more helper functions
  MdePkg: Add BaseRiscVSbiLib Library for RISC-V
  OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Refactor to allow other architectures
  OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Add support for RISC-V
  OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: Refactor to allow other architectures.
  OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add support for RISC-V
  OvmfPkg/Sec: Refactor to allow other architectures
  OvmfPkg/Sec: Add RISC-V support
  OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Refactor to allow other architectures
  OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Add support for RISC-V
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerLib: Refactor to allow other architectures
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerLib: Add support for RISC-V
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Refactor to allow other
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Add support for RISC-V
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Refactor to allow other architectures
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Add support for RISC-V
  UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Add RISC-V Boot protocol support
  UefiCpuPkg: Add CpuTimerDxe module
  ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: Move to OvmfPkg
  ArmVirtPkg: Fix up the location of PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe
  ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Move to OvmfPkg
  ArmVirtPkg: Fix up the paths to PlatformBootManagerLib
  ArmPlatformPkg/NorFlashPlatformLib.h:Move to MdePkg
  EmbeddedPkg/NvVarStoreFormattedLib: Migrate to MdeModulePkg
  ArmVirtPkg: Update the references to NvVarStoreFormattedLib
  OvmfPkg: Add NorFlashQemuLib library
  OvmfPkg: Add Qemu NOR flash DXE driver
  OvmfPkg/NorFlashDxe: Avoid switching to array mode during writes
  OvmfPkg/NorFlashDxe: Avoid switching between modes in a tight loop
  OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: Add Qemu Virt platform support
  Maintainers.txt: Add entry for OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt
  UefiCpuPkg/ Ignore RISC-V file

 ArmPlatformPkg/ArmPlatformPkg.dec             |   4 -
 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtPkg.dec                     |   9 -
 EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedPkg.dec                   |   3 -
 MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec                 |   3 +
 MdePkg/MdePkg.dec                             |  14 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkg.dec                           |  18 +
 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtCloudHv.dsc                 |   2 +-
 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtKvmTool.dsc                 |   2 +-
 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc                    |  10 +-
 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemuKernel.dsc              |   8 +-
 MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc                 |   2 +
 MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc                             |   4 +
 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirt.dsc     | 726 ++++++++++++++
 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc                     |  15 +-
 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirt.fdf     | 406 ++++++++
 .../CloudHvHasAcpiDtDxe.inf                   |   2 +-
 .../KvmtoolPlatformDxe/KvmtoolPlatformDxe.inf |   2 +-
 .../NvVarStoreFormattedLib.inf                |   1 -
 MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf            |   2 +
 .../BaseRiscVSbiLib/BaseRiscVSbiLib.inf       |  25 +
 .../NorFlashPlatformLibNull.inf               |  22 +
 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.inf   |  67 ++
 .../NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.inf      |  61 ++
 .../NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuLib.inf       |  40 +
 .../NorFlashQemuUnifiedLib.inf                |  30 +
 .../PlatformBootManagerLib.inf                |   3 +-
 .../PlatformInitLib/PlatformInitLib.inf       |  31 +-
 .../ResetSystemLib/BaseResetSystemLib.inf     |  12 +-
 .../BaseResetSystemLibBhyve.inf               |   4 +-
 .../BaseResetSystemLibMicrovm.inf             |   2 +-
 .../ResetSystemLib/DxeResetSystemLib.inf      |  15 +-
 .../DxeResetSystemLibMicrovm.inf              |   4 +-
 .../PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe.inf                  |   3 +-
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf           |  43 +-
 OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMain.inf                       |  34 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/CpuDxe.inf                  |  39 +-
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimerDxe.inf        |  51 +
 .../DxeCpuExceptionHandlerLib.inf             |  21 +-
 .../PeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib.inf             |   8 +-
 .../SecPeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib.inf          |  19 +-
 .../SmmCpuExceptionHandlerLib.inf             |   8 +-
 .../Xcode5SecPeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib.inf    |   6 +-
 .../Library/CpuTimerLib/BaseCpuTimerLib.inf   |   9 +-
 .../Include/Guid/NvVarStoreFormatted.h        |   0
 MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h              |  50 +
 MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseRiscVSbiLib.h      | 127 +++
 .../Include/Library/NorFlashPlatformLib.h     |   0
 MdePkg/Include/Protocol/RiscVBootProtocol.h   |  32 +
 .../Include/Register/RiscV64/RiscVEncoding.h  | 125 +++
 MdePkg/Include/Register/RiscV64/RiscVImpl.h   |  25 +
 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h        | 422 ++++++++
 OvmfPkg/Include/Library/PlatformInitLib.h     |   6 +
 .../PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/PlatformBm.h  |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.h |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/Platform.h        |  97 ++
 OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.h           |   0
 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecMain.h                 |  65 ++
 OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMainCommon.h                   |  73 ++
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuDxe.h     |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuGdt.h     |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuMp.h      |   0
 .../CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuPageTable.h      |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => RiscV64}/CpuDxe.h      | 122 +--
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/RiscV64/Timer.h        | 177 ++++
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuExceptionCommon.h       |   0
 .../RiscV64/CpuExceptionHandlerLib.h          | 116 +++
 .../NvVarStoreFormattedLib.c                  |   0
 .../Library/BaseRiscVSbiLib/BaseRiscVSbiLib.c | 227 +++++
 .../NorFlashPlatformLibNull.c                 |  26 +
 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c        | 908 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashBlockIoDxe.c  | 123 +++
 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c     | 509 ++++++++++
 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashFvb.c     | 777 +++++++++++++++
 .../NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c        | 386 ++++++++
 .../Library/NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuLib.c | 136 +++
 .../NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuUnifiedLib.c  |  40 +
 .../PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/PlatformBm.c  |   0
 .../PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/QemuKernel.c  |   0
 .../PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/Cmos.c     |   0
 .../PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdx.c |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdxNull.c             |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/MemDetect.c                |   0
 .../PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.c |   0
 .../PlatformInitLib/RiscV64/PlatformPeiLib.c  |  73 ++
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseResetShutdown.c        |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseResetShutdownBhyve.c   |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/DxeResetShutdown.c         |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/DxeResetSystemLibMicrovm.c |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/ResetSystemLib.c           |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/ResetSystemLibMicrovm.c    |   0
 .../ResetSystemLib/RiscV64/DxeResetShutdown.c |  20 +
 .../ResetSystemLib/RiscV64/ResetSystemLib.c   | 128 +++
 .../PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe.c                    |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.c   |   0
 .../PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/ClearCache.c   |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/FeatureControl.c           |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Fv.c       |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdx.c |   0
 .../PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/MemDetect.c    |   0
 .../PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/MemTypeInfo.c  |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.c |   0
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => RiscV64}/Fv.c        |  43 +-
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/MemDetect.c       | 212 ++++
 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/Platform.c        | 372 +++++++
 OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.c           |   0
 OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/SecMain.c          | 227 +----
 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecMain.c                 | 573 +++++++++++
 OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMainCommon.c                   | 238 +++++
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuDxe.c     |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuGdt.c     |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuMp.c      |   0
 .../CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuPageTable.c      |   0
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/RiscV64/CpuDxe.c            | 365 +++++++
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/RiscV64/Timer.c        | 294 ++++++
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuExceptionCommon.c       |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/DxeException.c             |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/PeiCpuException.c          |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/PeiDxeSmmCpuException.c    |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/SecPeiCpuException.c       |   0
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/SmmException.c             |   0
 .../CpuExceptionHandlerLib.c}                 |  83 +-
 .../{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseCpuTimerLib.c          |   0
 .../CpuTimerLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuTimerLib.c  |   0
 .../Library/CpuTimerLib/RiscV64/CpuTimerLib.c | 199 ++++
 ArmVirtPkg/                 |   1 -
 ArmVirtPkg/          |   2 +-
 Maintainers.txt                               |   4 +
 MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/RiscV64/CpuScratch.S   |  31 +
 MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/RiscV64/ReadTimer.S    |  24 +
 .../Library/BaseLib/RiscV64/RiscVInterrupt.S  |  53 +-
 OvmfPkg/                       |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/ |  66 ++
 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/  |  79 ++
 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecEntry.S                |  23 +
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimer.uni           |  15 +
 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimerExtra.uni      |  13 +
 .../RiscV64/SupervisorTrapHandler.S           | 105 ++
 UefiCpuPkg/                 |   1 +
 138 files changed, 9073 insertions(+), 531 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirt.dsc
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirt.fdf
 rename {EmbeddedPkg => 
MdeModulePkg}/Library/NvVarStoreFormattedLib/NvVarStoreFormattedLib.inf (96%)
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseRiscVSbiLib/BaseRiscVSbiLib.inf
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.inf
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.inf
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuLib.inf
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuUnifiedLib.inf
 rename {ArmVirtPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib => 
OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/PlatformBootManagerLib.inf (92%)
 rename {ArmVirtPkg => OvmfPkg}/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe.inf 
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimerDxe.inf
 rename {EmbeddedPkg => MdeModulePkg}/Include/Guid/NvVarStoreFormatted.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseRiscVSbiLib.h
 rename {ArmPlatformPkg => MdePkg}/Include/Library/NorFlashPlatformLib.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Protocol/RiscVBootProtocol.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Register/RiscV64/RiscVEncoding.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Register/RiscV64/RiscVImpl.h
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h
 rename {ArmVirtPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib => 
OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/PlatformBm.h (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/Platform.h
 rename OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecMain.h
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMainCommon.h
 copy UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuDxe.h (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuGdt.h (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuMp.h (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuPageTable.h (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => RiscV64}/CpuDxe.h (69%)
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/RiscV64/Timer.h
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/CpuExceptionCommon.h (100%)
 create mode 100644 
 rename {EmbeddedPkg => 
MdeModulePkg}/Library/NvVarStoreFormattedLib/NvVarStoreFormattedLib.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseRiscVSbiLib/BaseRiscVSbiLib.c
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashBlockIoDxe.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashFvb.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuLib.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/NorFlashQemuLib/NorFlashQemuUnifiedLib.c
 rename {ArmVirtPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib => 
OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/PlatformBm.c (100%)
 rename {ArmVirtPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib => 
OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformBootManagerLibVirt}/QemuKernel.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/Cmos.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdx.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdxNull.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/MemDetect.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/RiscV64/PlatformPeiLib.c
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseResetShutdown.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseResetShutdownBhyve.c 
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/DxeResetShutdown.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/DxeResetSystemLibMicrovm.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/ResetSystemLib.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/ResetSystemLibMicrovm.c 
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/RiscV64/DxeResetShutdown.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib/RiscV64/ResetSystemLib.c
 rename {ArmVirtPkg => OvmfPkg}/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe.c 
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/ClearCache.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/FeatureControl.c (100%)
 copy OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Fv.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/IntelTdx.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/MemDetect.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/MemTypeInfo.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => Ia32_X64}/Platform.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/{ => RiscV64}/Fv.c (63%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/MemDetect.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/RiscV64/Platform.c
 rename OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/AmdSev.c (100%)
 rename OvmfPkg/Sec/{ => Ia32_X64}/SecMain.c (75%)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecMain.c
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Sec/SecMainCommon.c
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuDxe.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuGdt.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuMp.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuPageTable.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe/RiscV64/CpuDxe.c
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/RiscV64/Timer.c
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/CpuExceptionCommon.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/DxeException.c 
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/PeiCpuException.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/PeiDxeSmmCpuException.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => 
Ia32_X64}/SecPeiCpuException.c (100%)
 copy UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/SmmException.c 
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/{SmmException.c => 
RiscV64/CpuExceptionHandlerLib.c} (67%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuTimerLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/BaseCpuTimerLib.c (100%)
 rename UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuTimerLib/{ => Ia32_X64}/CpuTimerLib.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuTimerLib/RiscV64/CpuTimerLib.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/RiscV64/CpuScratch.S
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/RiscV64/ReadTimer.S
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Platforms/RiscVVirt/
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Sec/RiscV64/SecEntry.S
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimer.uni
 create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerDxe/CpuTimerExtra.uni
 create mode 100644 


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