> Thats what I mean. Most users run bearerbox and smsbox on the same machine.
> If they are separate the its usually on two boxes sitting next to
> each other and performance is a key issue in those situations (as
> otherwhise you wouldnt use two boxes). So adding SSL to a performance
> sensitive environment isnt helping. But in those cases its relatively
> easy to make the network secure by using a separate network between
> bearerbox and smsboxes. The  only case where I think it would be

of course you can use lower-level network security like IPSEC or
something for remote communications. But in case of (relatively) easy
and open internet based connections you will be communicating in

> helpful is when the bearerbox is far remote from the SMSbox and
> reached over the internet. in that case however you might run
> bearerbox & smsbox in the remote location and run a local bearerbox &
> smsbox and interface with HTTP between the two locations and there
> you can use HTTPS with your patch already.

but what about this:

  bearerbox  <--->  (the world)  <---> smsbox/wapbox
   (LAN 1)                                (LAN 2)

so if you don't run beaererbox on the machine of LAN 2 you will have
plaintext TCP connections between bearerbox from LAN1 and
smsbox/wapbox from LAN2?


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