As regarding to SIM buffering patches :
I don't think these are to be included in any type of stable version, and
there's a very simple and clear reason.
Sim card has flash memory where it stores those messages if they are not
requested to be output to the prompt by terminal.
Every flash memory card has it's life circle , which is pretty short
comparing to count of messages one would want to receive/send with it in
production environment.
Let's say normal Sim will not live if you save to it over 10.000 - 50.000
While   10.000 seems to be a huge number, it is not actually that big, and
in production environments I personally saw a sim card which received over
100.000 sms.
This would not be possible if it would be over the "Sim buffering" technics,
the card would simply go screwed.
So far, I suppose this buffering conception is for risky people only, and we
definately would not want to include in stable release something that could
damage user's hardware.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stipe Tolj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 5:19 AM
Subject: Re: New Stable release

> Oded Arbel wrote:
> >
> >
> > I'm not absolutly sure we don't need AT anymore, but I think it would
> > probably be a good idea. if we need something that only AT does (nothing
> > AFAIK) we can always grab it from the CVS.
> > what about the SIM buffering patches - do you think these should be
> > merged in the old/new AT module ?
> I haven't reviewed them and I'm out of time scope until next Sunday.
> If anyone other can suggest in merging the patch in please take your
> heads up on the list and present your review results and tell us how
> far you have tested it.
> Stipe
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