I've added my-number configuration field to smpp.
Valter Santos will debug it but please others give me feedback if
everything is ok.

I've added --enable-drafts to configure and a %drafts entity to
documentation so we can write text to documentation and only
release it to snapshots when it's minimally ok (see next).

I've added preliminary support to XML Post to smsbox.
I'm building the xml with octstr_append (this issue I guess it's 
almost ok) but I'm processing the incoming xml with
octstr_search and octstr_copy :P
There's still some variables missing and alot of debug to be done.

Stipe will probably change the incoming xml parsing to the new
functions he is coding in xml-rpc and we might later think (well, 
Stipe have already done it) about adding xml-rpc or SOAP to 
smsbox, thus making happy the microsoft clients :P

post-xml won't interfer with other functionalities of kannel, so
please don't use it in production but give me feedback to improve

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