On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 11:55, Stipe Tolj wrote:
> > > I've added preliminary support to XML Post to smsbox.
> > > I'm building the xml with octstr_append (this issue I guess it's
> > > almost ok) but I'm processing the incoming xml with
> > > octstr_search and octstr_copy :P
> > > There's still some variables missing and alot of debug to be done.
> > 
> > I don't think it makes sense to use the octstr_* functions to handle
> > XML when the code already depends on libxml. Why not use libxml to
> > construct and parse the XML ?

Of course it doesn't make any sense. That's why I called it "preliminary
code". I'm not confortable (yet) with libxml parsing functions, and 
that's why I asked Stipe (or whoever wants to do it) to replace that
block with a xml parser.

> > What DTD/schema do you plan to use ? Have you looked at the draft RFC
> > - http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-koponen-sms-xml-02.txt -
> > that describes an XML encoding for SMS messages ?
> No, not yet, but I'll glance at it. Thanks for the pointer.

Great, I'll look at it too...

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