Anarchy wrote:
> --- Aarno Syvänen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > WSP Push Pdu
> > > 00 - app id?
> > > 06 - push
> > > 0D - header length?
> > > AE 92 04 3C 21 A5 6E 84 81 B4 80 AF 80 - no idea about the rest
> >
> > Is this a working tokenized SI document ? It is, have you tested it with
> > a phone ?
> i copied this header from a previous message and it does work.... by trial and
> error, i've managed to trim it to just 00 06 01 AE though i still have no idea
> where the AE comes in....

This is the Content Type, only necessary header. It means
(Compiled SI document.) See WSP Content-Type definitions in And remember that you must add 80 (turn
first bit),
content type value being a short integer

> actually, i'm only interested in sending the SI and both the UDH and WSP
> headers are not really important so i'll only want the bare necessities... the
> push can be successfully received by a T68.

Yep, defaults works in most cases. Content Type is required, because
there are
many possible push content types.


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