Tobias Selig wrote:

> Stipe Tolj wrote:
>>> I can try to get a log of the errormessage kannel spits out...
>> yep, send us a snapshot of those log messages you get to the list.
>> Stipe
> I´ll try to get a log this weeend... But i guess Aarno, who sent me a 
> private e-mail, was right,
> the 15KB limit is the limit set by the phone. I found a 
> MAX_CONTENT_SIZE 15 *1024 define
> in a source header.. which is absolute nonsense for a color phone with 
> large display and yahama
> sound chip. However, thanks everybody for your help!
> Tobias

Hi everybody!

Ok, as promised, attached the logfile. See the WARNING message kannel 
spits out.
I found no point where kannel and the mobile negotiates the maximum 
content size, but the limit is
definetely set to 15KB somewhere.


System Linux, release 2.4.18, version #1 Sam Mär 16 12:39:07 CET 2002, machine i686.
Hostname, IP
Libxml version 20400.
Using OpenSSL 0.9.6a 5 Apr 2001.
Using MySQL 3.23.33.
Using native malloc.

2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] INFO: 
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] INFO: Kannel wapbox version cvs-20020615 starting up.
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (wap/wsp_session.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (wap/wsp_unit.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (wap/wsp_push_client.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (wap/timers.c:watch_timers)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (wap/wtp_init.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (wap/wtp_resp.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gw/wap-appl.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 8 (gw/wap-appl.c:return_replies_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 9 (gw/wap_push_ota.c:main_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] INFO: Using global server SSL certificate from file 
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] INFO: Using global server SSL key from file 
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening server at port 13200.
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 10 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 11 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening SSL server at port 13201.
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 12 (gw/wap_push_ppg.c:ota_read_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 13 (gw/wap_push_ppg.c:http_read_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 14 (gw/wap_push_ppg.c:https_read_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 15 (gw/wap_push_ppg.c:pap_request_thread)
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at localhost port 13002.
2002-06-23 10:04:02 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 16 (gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread)
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e6730 (0)
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 0, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP 0: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: Created WSPMachine 0x80e6690
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state NULL_SESSION, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: decoding headers:
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e6830:
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG:   len:  99
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG:   size: 100
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: decoded headers:
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wmlc
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.wap.wbxml
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: image/vnd.wap.wbmp
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: image/gif
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/*
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: text/
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept: application/vnd.smaf
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: us-ascii
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: utf-8; q=0.8
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Charset: iso-10646-ucs-2; q=0.6
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Language: en
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: Accept-Language: de
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: User-Agent: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: End of decoded headers.
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTING
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTING_2
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 0, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP 0: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 0, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:22 [6] DEBUG: WTP 0: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 0, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP 0: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e6730 (0)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTING_2, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e65e0 (1)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 1, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP 1: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 1, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/1: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 1, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/1: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url <> 
mapped to <>
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 1, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/1: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 1, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP 1: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: Started thread 17 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [7] DEBUG: Started thread 18 (gwlib/http.c:write_request_thread)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e74b0:
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG:   len:  951
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG:   size: 952
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched <> 
(text/vnd.wap.wml, charset='')
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:05:23 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Wed, 12 
Jun 2002 17:45:58 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 625)
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [8] DEBUG: WSP: Setting Referer URL to 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 1, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/1: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 1, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:23 [6] DEBUG: WTP 1: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 1, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [6] DEBUG: WTP 1: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e65e0 (1)
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 1, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/1: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 1
2002-06-23 10:05:25 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e87e0 (2)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 2, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP 2: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 2, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/2: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 2, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url 
<> mapped to 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/2: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 2, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 2, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP 2: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/2: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Reusing connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e9890:
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG:   len:  1010
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG:   size: 1011
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched 
<> (text/vnd.wap.wml, charset='')
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:05:28 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Thu, 20 
Jun 2002 12:51:58 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 1131)
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [8] DEBUG: WSP: Setting Referer URL to 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 2, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 2, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [6] DEBUG: WTP 2: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/2: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:05:28 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 2, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [6] DEBUG: WTP 2: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e87e0 (2)
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 2, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/2: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 2
2002-06-23 10:05:29 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e6a48 (3)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 3, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP 3: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 3, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/3: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 3, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url 
<> mapped to 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/3: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 3, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 3, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP 3: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/3: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e9df8:
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG:   len:  1023
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG:   size: 1024
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched 
<> (application/vnd.smaf, charset='')
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:05:45 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Thu, 13 
Jun 2002 11:56:46 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 39587)
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [8] WARNING: WSP: Entity at too large (size 39587 B, limit 15360 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 3, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 3, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [6] DEBUG: WTP 3: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/3: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:05:45 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 3, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [6] DEBUG: WTP 3: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e6a48 (3)
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 3, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/3: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 3
2002-06-23 10:05:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e6a48 (4)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 4, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP 4: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 4, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/4: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 4, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url 
<> mapped to 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/4: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 4, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 4, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP 4: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/4: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Reusing connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e9fc0:
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG:   len:  1022
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG:   size: 1023
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched 
<> (text/vnd.wap.wml, charset='')
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:05:58 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Wed, 19 
Jun 2002 18:35:46 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 596)
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [8] DEBUG: WSP: Setting Referer URL to 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 4, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 4, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [6] DEBUG: WTP 4: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/4: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:05:58 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 4, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [6] DEBUG: WTP 4: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e6a48 (4)
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 4, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/4: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 4
2002-06-23 10:05:59 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e87e0 (5)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 5, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP 5: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 5, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/5: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 5, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url 
<> mapped to 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/5: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 5, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 5, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP 5: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/5: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Reusing connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80ea028:
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG:   len:  1030
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG:   size: 1031
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched 
<> (text/vnd.wap.wml, 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:06:02 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Wed, 12 
Jun 2002 20:08:46 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 318)
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [8] DEBUG: WSP: Setting Referer URL to 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 5, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/5: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 5, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:02 [6] DEBUG: WTP 5: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 5, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP 5: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e87e0 (5)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 5, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/5: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 5
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e7c88 (6)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state NULL_METHOD, event TR-Invoke.ind
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/6: New method state HOLDING
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state HOLDING, event Release
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [7] DEBUG: WSP: found mapping for url 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [7] DEBUG: WSP: url 
<> mapped to 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [7] DEBUG: expire_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [7] DEBUG: set_cookies: No cookies in cache
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/6: New method state REQUESTING
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state REQUESTING, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/6: New method state PROCESSING
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state INVOKE_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state RESULT_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Reusing connection to `' 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG: HTTP: Sending request:
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x80e9d28:
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG:   len:  1036
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG:   size: 1037
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG:   data: ---deleted---
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [18] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [17] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line: <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] INFO: WSP: Fetched 
<> (image/gif, charset='')
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 
08:06:03 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Server: Apache/1.3.20 
(Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Last-Modified: Wed, 12 
Jun 2002 20:28:46 GMT)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (ETag: 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Accept-Ranges: bytes)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Length: 19244)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: Examining header (Content-Type: image/gif)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] DEBUG: get_cookies: End
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [8] WARNING: WSP: Entity at too large (size 19244 B, limit 
15360 B)
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state PROCESSING, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/6: New method state REPLYING
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state RESULT_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:03 [6] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state RESULT_RESP_WAIT
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 6, state RESULT_RESP_WAIT, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [6] DEBUG: WTP 6: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e7c88 (6)
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [1] DEBUG: WSP: method 6, state REPLYING, event TR-Result.cnf
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0/6: New method state NULL_METHOD
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMethodMachine 6
2002-06-23 10:06:04 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state CONNECTED
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Created WTPRespMachine 0x80e65e0 (7)
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [6] DEBUG: WTP: resp_machine 7, state LISTEN, event RcvInvoke.
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [6] DEBUG: WTP 7: New state LISTEN
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [6] DEBUG: WTP: Destroying WTPRespMachine 0x80e65e0 (7)
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [1] DEBUG: WSP: machine 0x80e6690, state CONNECTED, event 
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [1] DEBUG: WSP 0: New state NULL_SESSION
2002-06-23 10:06:10 [1] DEBUG: Destroying WSPMachine 0x80e6690

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