
I'm trying to send m-notification-ind.
I have default configuration of ppg (listed in users guide).
command line is:
./test_ppg -e base64 -a mms -c mms 
m-notification-ind.txt pap.txt
when I run it, i'm getting following line:
2002-09-03 14:52:41 [0] INFO: an input without a configuration file 
assumed (what it means?)
and than as I can see from debug, test_ppg tries to use own content 
(from test_ppg.c) and combines it with my content file, as result wapbox 
reports: ERROR: HTTP: Content-Length header wrong: <: 1262>
and after that ppg_test says:

2002-09-03 14:52:41 [2] ERROR: Couldn't fetch 
2002-09-03 14:52:41 [1] ERROR: push failed, no reason found
2002-09-03 14:52:41 [1] INFO: TEST_PPG: In thread 1 0 succeeded, 1 failed
2002-09-03 14:52:41 [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (test/test_ppg.c:push_thread) 
2002-09-03 14:52:41 [0] INFO: TEST_PPG: 1 requests in 0.000000 seconds, 
inf requests per second

Could you please figure out where i'm wrong?

David Chkhartishvili

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