>      5) In many test cases (dlrmasks 9,10,11,13,14,15,25,26, 27,29,30 or 31)
>      Kannel says "DLR not deleted because we wait on more reports" but after
>      receiving a correct deliver_sm (DLR) it just didn't find the mysql row,
>      telling "no rows found" and then "got DLR but could not find message or was
>      not interested in it"
> then the message-id mapping is wrong. it doesnt find the message in the database. 
>This is SMSC dependent and requires proper configuration for really odd SMSC who once 
>send you message ID in hex, once in alphanumeric and once in decimal (really 

we got that handling in with the 'msg-id-type' flag that can be used
for smsc groups. You have to be aware of which msg-id-type the
connected SMSC is using and configure Kannel's smsc group accordingly.

>      6) When Kannel says "removing DLR from database" the respective mysql row
>      remains on the dlr table
> Now this is really odd. edit the dlr.c and enable a variable to do SQL dumps so you 
>see the SQL statements its executing. This helps a lot to debug those things. Maybe 
>its the same issue as above, wrong type of message ID.

Yep. If you could take Andreas suggestions up and take some more views
on this. This would really be great! 

We appritiate your analysis and thank you a lot for the effort!


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