On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 10:55:08AM +0100, Stipe Tolj wrote:

> > On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 10:21:31AM +0100, Stipe Tolj wrote:
> > > if TAP is considered an own SMSC interface protocoll, then this would
> > > be (maybe ;) pretty easy by writting an gw/smsc/smsc_tap.c module that
> > > capsulates the TAP interface logic and docks to the higher Kannel
> > > abstraction layer.
> > > So is it a SMSC spec they gave you?
> > TAP was designed for pagers, it's a dial-up protocol, only 7bit
> > so really only useful for text.
> thanks for the note.
> So if there is a way to use TCP/IP connections for TAP, then
> implementing an smsc_tap.c module would be pretty easy I guess.

Nope, it's a dial-up protocol ;)

> Also, we had a first EMI/UCP implementation in Kannel that used
> call-up lines. Maybe they can be reused if there is no alternative to
> the dial-in.

It's relatively simplistic, there are several implementations have a
look at sendpage (new Perl version or older C version, you should be
able to find it at sourceforge), there's also qpage and others that
also implement the TAP protocol.

Out of interest has anyone implemented the Vodafone NZ protocol (which
is XML over http but NOT SOAP - spec on via.vodafone.co.nz - web
registration required).


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