Ar an 30ú lá de mí 12, scríobh Stipe Tolj :

 > there have been some fixexs from 1.3.1 on. Please checkout the recent
 > cvs head tree and try it with it. It's the most stable version
 > currently available.

Okay, I turned on DLR_TRACE and worked out what the problem was; the MySQL
dlr table dated from an old stable installation and didn't have the boxc
field, so the INSERT INTO failed. No urgent need to make the thing more
unstable than it already is, then :-) .

 > BTW, you have to set smsc-id in your smsc group to have a working id
 > mapping of the DLRs while they are returned over the smsc link to
 > bearerbox. 

Yeah, that part of it was fine, thankfully. 

I don't care if it rains of freezes/'Long as I got my Plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.

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