> >
> > which means you have to pass the UCP string via HTTP GET/POST over
> > HTTPS to them? ... what kind of perversion is this?!
> >
> > I guess they use HTTPS for getting the security purpose "done"?! Seems
> > they never heard of stunnel (for SSL-enabling TCP server-client
> > applications) or of VPNs.
> >
> > I wouldn't call this strange, but "perverted".

I am getting really tired of all these operator interfaces !!!
Its only the middle of January and already I've implemented yet another
NDA'd, XML/HTTP proprietary transaction model for yet another operator,
designed by yet another consultant which is just yet another variant on all
the other XML/HTTP interfaces out there. Sure, you can share functions
etc. but it still needs to documented, tested, maintained, regressed etc.
And guess what - it sits in front of a stable, tried and tested SMPP
Its so stupid.

I hope the Microsoft/Vodafone mobile web services thing stomps all over
these guys.

> >
> > So if it is that way, then: no, Kannel does not support this. ;)
> > You'll be on your own to get either:
> >
> >   a) implement the UCP string encapsulation into gw/smsc/smsc_http.c
> > for a special 'telia' type.
> I might look at this when I have the time, but riht now I need this
> yesterday ;-). I think I have (avery proprietary) fallback.. :-(
> >   b) tell them to give you a native UCP account and use SSL tunnel or
> > VPN for security.

IPSEC VPNs make the most sense IMHO...

> I will do that, but I wont hold my breath.. BTW. If I get such an
> account, can
> I then use Kannel with the emi module if I compile it with OpenSSL?

You'll need to modify the EMI code to use the SSL I/O functions I'd guess.
But the mechanisms that Stipe is suggesting in b) don't need any code
just configuration on your box. You could also use ssh/ssh2 to do
encrypted tunnelling (at least I can do this with VNC, so it should work
for other TCP applications).

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