Well it's really up to you... but if you do decide to post the diff or
a URL to the diff... other developers can eye the code and give you
feedback (if they feel like it, of course).

It's a free world. ;-) And yay for it!

On Tuesday, 2005-01-18 at 05:11:33 AM, Jonathan Houser scribbled:
>      Hey there guys.  I've been using Kannel for quite some time and 
> for the most part have not needed anything it didn't provide.  However 
> recently I needed to send a CDMA MMS notification message to a 3rd party 
> SMSC.  Kannel didn't support a data_sm, so I added it in.  I also added 
> handling of the data_sm_resp and made it so you could send a message of 
> the full size of 64K octets (theoretically) without concatenation. 
> Finally I added some options to 1) turn on and off data_sm, set the 
> payload_type (ie. WDP) and to set the service_type via HTTP GET/POST, 
> XML, etc.
>      The full list of changes is as follows:
>    * added data_sm which is enabled via a command_id option
>    * added handling of data_sm_resp
>    * added the ability to set the payload_type
>    * exposed service-type to the interface level instead of just config
>    * exposed command-id to the interface level as well as config level
>       * command-id = 0 or unset; command_id = submit_sm
>       * command-id = 1; command_id = data_sm
>    * exposed payload-type to the interface level as well as config level
>       * payload-type = unset; payload_type = unset
>       * payload-type = 1; payload_type = WDP
>    * allowed messages longer than 140 if command-id = 1
>      Since I'm not a core developer on Kannel and not a native to its 
> code, I may not have implemented all of this in the best possible way. 
> So my real question is do you want to see the diff's right now to see if 
> you want the changes, and how best to integrate them?  I'm still running 
> it as sort of a development version right now to find and fix bugs.  I 
> just don't want the CVS tree to get too far ahead of me.  If you want, I 
> can send an e-mail to whomever with the diff output for you to look at 
> right now.  Otherwise I can hold off until it's been running and tested 
> for a while.  Just let me know how you want to do this.  It's obviously 
> not your usual really basic 10 line bug fix submission.  Thanks!
> Jon

Benjamin Lee
Melbourne, AU         +61.4.16.BEN.LEE         http://www.realthought.net/
Open Source / Linux / BSD
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
                -- Wernher von Braun

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