On Monday, 18 בJuly 2005 21:50, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
> --- Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you have a confusion as to what is DLR.
> would be nice to have more explanation here. Is it for reporting
> only, and not for storing the queue of those not yet delivered?

DLR is about getting delivery reports from the SMSC to the status of 
your message. SMS is a "store and forward" service. that means its 
asynchronous and you generally not supposed to know immediately whether 
your target has received the message or not. 

What you actually do, is submit the message to kannel's smsbox. this 
transfers the message to the bearerbox where it is stored and you get a 
reply saying "thanks for submitting the message - we have stored it and 
will try to send it out as soon as we have the opportunity".

So far so good. But you really want to know whether the message was 
received and what happened to it on the way. If it wasn't received you 
probably want to resend it. So this is where "delivery reports" aka DLR 
comes into play. Kannel supports several levels of DLRs, which you 
specify using the dlr_mask in the smsbox's sendsms call. If all DLR 
levels are enabled and you specified the dlr_url where you want DLR 
message to be delivered back to you, then kannel will call you back (on 
that url) when it detects the following events occurring:
- Kannel has managed to submit your message to the SMSC (ACK)
- Kannel has failed to submit your message to the SMSC (NACK)
- The SMSC reported that the message could not be delivered in a timely 
manner and will be stored for indefinite time on the SMSC until 
delivery is possible (BUFFERED)
- The SMSC reported that the message was successfully submitted to the 
recipient (SUCCESS)
- The SMSC reported that the message was not submitted to the recipient 
and no further attempts will be performed (FAILED)

The first two statuses are handled internally by Kannel and require only 
the most rudimentary support from the driver (basically being nice 
enough to generate the required message when you receive acknowledge or 
rejecting on your protocol). Every driver currently in the main tree 
does that.
The other two stages are more complicated - the driver has to speak the 
lingo of the SMSC well enough to let the SMSC know that it is 
interested in receiving further information on the status of the 
message as it is handled by the SMSC (according to the dlr_mask). The 
SMSC needs to support that capability, and the driver needs to be able 
to receive and understand the notifications sent by the SMSC. the AT 
driver currently fully supports this by setting the required flags on 
the message as it is being sent, and parsing the corresponding GSM 
messages as their are forwarded by the modem to Kannel.

In any case, DLRs do not govern retransmit and kannel has no mechanisms 
to do that anyway. once the message is being handled by the driver, as 
soon as the driver can determine if the message was accepted or 
rejected by the SMSC it is removed from the storage (regardless of 
actual status). If you want a retry mechanism you have to do it 
yourself by catching DLR messages and resending. The AT driver itself 
has a simple mechanism where if the GSM modem refuses to accept the 
message in the first try, two additional retries are made, assuming 
that sometimes the modem, being the slow device that it is, does not 
accept the message because it is currently busy doing other things (for 
example - receiving other messages), and by retrying with a slight 
delay, we can still successfully submit the message. sometimes it even 
works :-) If all 3 tries have failed, a NACK message is being sent (but 
not before that).

> > Anyway - the new AT driver (which was at2 previously) has full
> > support for DLRs as of version 1.3.2 IIRC
> ah, right. sure, I just looked in the docs and saw there it's set as
> not suppprted, and I actually din't see any DLR entries while the SIM
> card was not inserted - I expected to see them as queued.

First, you need to set dlr_mask and dlr_url properly. Then, in the case 
of the SIM card not inserted, you will only receive the NACK response - 
this is a final status and as kannel cannot successfully submit the 
message to the SMSC, no further DLR statuses will be available.

If by "queued", you mean "BUFFERED", then that is an SMSC status and can 
only be received after an ACK. if by "queued" you mean, "stored by 
kannel for deliver", then the answer is that this status is implicit 
for each message and kannel does not generated DLRs for that. Once the 
message is received by the driver and the driver fails to send it to 
the modem (because there is no sim), the message is discarded and a 
NACK DLR is sent.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9611212 (204)

Godwin's Law (prov.  [Usenet]):
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison 
involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many 
groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever 
mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in 
progress.  Godwin's Law thus guarantees the existence of an upper bound 
on thread length in those groups.

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