Hi Al,

Please see inline answers. Kannel load balances all available smscs during operation. The only problem is that during startup, it starts sms_router too soon. From the discussion, i see that a patch may not even be necessary, it could be a configuration issue. Else I could always update the patch to account for more cases.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvaro Cornejo" <cornejo.alv...@gmail.com>
To: "Alan McNatty" <a...@catalyst.net.nz>
Cc: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>; <devel@kannel.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get stuck inqueue

Hi Nikos

I'm still around here... I've been busy this lasts days... I wish I
was on vacations ;-)

Regarding this patch, -I didn't had time to test it- but seems to
solve the issue making kannel hold the queue assignment until all
smsc's are online. However I do agree with Alan in the fact that that
solution is not suitable since there can be many scenarios where an
smsc will not come online or might be delayed at kannel startup and
this will delay all message traffic.

If one could describe me these scenarios (when bbox will startup succesfully, with smscs failing) I could implement them in the code.

I'll be for a solution where Kannel recalculate its queue(loadbalance)
for a given destination when a new destination for the given
route/destination is available/unavailable and not only at startup.

That's what it does all of the time. The only difference, at startup, it starts sms_router too soon.

Another option might be to make kannel have an intermediate queue that
is not assigned to an smsc until the smsc queue is less than 5min on
the spscific smsc. This way in case of a restart, the 1st smsc to be
available will get a moderate queue and the rest of smsc's will
loadbalace the rest of messages once.

Would something like that might be possible? I fear that an approach
like this one  will require a big remake of kannel queue/load
management and I doubt kannel team will go for it.

I can do that. No problem. But you don't need a patch for that, you can use configuration. Have you tried setting in smsc group:

sms-outgoing-queue-limit = 50?

This will push the first 50 sms to your smsc, and then push single sms, until your other smscs go online.

Also I stick in the opinion that kannel shouldn't panic if it can't
set active/enable an smsc on startup since there can be other smscs
that can process messages for other routes/destinations. This issue is
more important since the only workarroud  is to edit kannel.conf
comment the offending smsc and restart kannel.... and once the smsc is
fixed, re-edit kannel.conf and restart kannel since so far, there is
no way to make kannel reread the config file.

We are in total agreement. I never liked this issue myself, either (both failing to startup and not reconfiguring on the fly).

Once I test the patch I'll let you know. Probably this weekend.

Please don't. Wait for the patch update.

Regards and THANKS for your time & Support.

No pro, bro. Sorry for the delay, and for your ordeal. Mexico should be beautiful this time of the year.


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On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Alan McNatty<a...@catalyst.net.nz> wrote:
Hi Nikos,

OK, yeah I'm not about failure at start-up time. If an SMSC is off-line
(SMPP timeout/retry during bind) kannel will start (simply config a
bogus IP address for SMPP to test this out). An example is lets say we
have 2 connections for load balancing. Now consider 1 smsc being taken
offline (no tcp connection) as it is upgraded, we can still send through
the other (this is also useful for DR - disaster recover, etc).

So from my example above only 1 connection would be active the other in
bind retry loop (wait X seconds, etc) - no tcp connection is established
to smsc. If we re-started kannel it wouldn't be a good idea to wait for
both links to become active before pushing messages out - this would
mean waiting for the upgraded smsc to come back online, no?

Again sorry if I'm talking at cross purposes here.


Nikos Balkanas wrote:
Hi Alan,

If even 1 SMSc in configuration file fails to start, bearerbox will
panic. There are several states to any SMSc, like connecting, going
down, etc. Bearerbox expects all SMScs to be available on startup. The
operative word is "available". If a configured modem is not connected,
that's a failure and you would have to take it off configuration to

After it starts, SMScs can go up or down. Isolated mode still needs
SMScs for outgoing messages. The only mode that doesn't is Suspended.
But i don't think that even this will startup without all SMScs available.

Available is different than Active. Available means anything but Failed
(Dead,etc.). An available SMSc could be down, or coming up or connecting.

In this patch, router will wait to start until all SMScs become active.

What is DR?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan McNatty" <a...@catalyst.net.nz>
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>
Cc: "Alvaro Cornejo" <cornejo.alv...@gmail.com>; <devel@kannel.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get
stuck inqueue

Hi Nikos,

Sorry I haven't reviewed this whole thread in detail but was caught by
.. "bearerbox will not start unless all smscs are available." .. this
worried me a bit.

I'm concerned that in a DR scenario if 1 connection is down (and not
coming up just yet) then I would like to be able to (re)start no problem
(the other connections would start with this one remaining down ..
trying to bind, etc). Is there not an alternative option in terms of
(from init.d/startup perspective) start isolated, allowing some time
(seconds) for the available connections to bind then setting the
connections to active. Or have I missed the point here.

Apologies if I'm muddying the water. I will try and follow more closely.


Nikos Balkanas wrote:
Dear Alvaro,

I just managed to finish with my responsibilities, not on April 10, as I
was hoping. Meanwhile, I haven't heard from you in a while, and I hope
you are enjoying your vacations.

Here is a patch to gw/bearerbox.c and gw/bb_smscconn.c, that doesn't
start the sms_router, until all smscs (except the FAKE) are ACTIVE. If I
am not mistaken, bearerbox will not start unless all smscs are
available. So this is inline with this philosophy.

I have tested it to the extend that it doesn't break anything, please
let me know if it solves your problem.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvaro Cornejo"
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get
stuck inqueue

Hi Nikos

No problem. I undestand we are on a "best effort support XD" and this
is not a critical issue.




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2009/3/31 Nikos Balkanas <nbalka...@gmail.com>:
Hi Alvaro,

Thanx for reminding me. Unfortunately I am still working very hard
on my
project. I will be finished by the 10th of April. Sorry about that
and I
hope I am not causing you trouble. I put a reminder on my PC not to


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvaro Cornejo"
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>; "kannel users"
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get

Hi Nikos

Had you chance to review this?



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2009/3/10 Nikos Balkanas <nbalka...@gmail.com>:


I am working on something very important right now. Could you give
me a
in 2 weeks or so, if no one has addressed it?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvaro Cornejo"
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>
Cc: "seikath" <seik...@gmail.com>; "kannel users" <us...@kannel.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get

Hi Nikos

for 1... still looking at data/logs... nothing so far.

for 2... You are right:

SMSC connections:
id1 ��’ ��’ AT2[id1] (online 323s, rcvd 48, sent 48, failed 0,
queued 265
id2 ��’ ��’ AT2[id2] (online 314s, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0,
queued 0
id3 ��’ ��’ AT2[id3] (online 314s, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0,
queued 0
id4 ��’ ��’ AT2[id4] (online 314s, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0,
queued 0
id5 ��’ ��’ AT2[id5] (online 314s, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0,
queued 0

All messages in queue for smsc-id "id_op1" were asigned to the 1st
available smsc that has allowed-smsc=id_op1

I'm not developer but think this behavior shall be modified so kannel
will be able to maximize/optimize its resources available. Some sort
of "recalculation of ��’ the better route" for messages each x time




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On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Nikos Balkanas <nbalka...@gmail.com>


These are some heavy questions dude.

(1) SMS shoudn't get stuck like that so that they require restart.
in the logs?

(2) I could speculate why this happens, but without looking at the
code it would be guesswork. My guess would be that it involves the
needed at startup to designate SMScs as active. Probably this is
done by
of configuration order (i.e. id1, id2, etc.). The first active one
queue. Bearerbox router checks in every 30".


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvaro Cornejo"
To: "seikath" <seik...@gmail.com>
Cc: "kannel users" <us...@kannel.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: Kannel not load balancing after restart and messages get

No, I'm using mysql for dlr storage since otherwise dlr are lost on
kannel restart


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On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:15 PM, seikath <seik...@gmail.com> wrote:


I am not aware of the store_tools.
Anyway, I assume you use default kannel store file
instead of db dlr storage, correct ?

Alvaro Cornejo wrote:

Hi List

I've found the following 2 isues:

1) I have several modems for the same operators 10 for op1 and 5
op2. For some reason, some messages get stuck into kannel queue and
are not sent to smsc without restarting kannel. I've used Alex
store_tools and verify messages are in queue. All messages are sent
using the same code and use AT-SMSCs.

2) When I restart kannel QUEUED messages are sent through only one
at-smsc even if messages have a destination smsc-id specified in
sendsms url call

This is an snippet of the config I have:

smsc-id = id1
allowed-smsc = id1,id_op1

smsc-id = id2
allowed-smsc = id2,id_op1

smsc-id = id3
allowed-smsc = id3,id_op1

smsc-id = id4
allowed-smsc = id4,id_op2

smsc-id = id5
allowed-smsc = id5,id_op2


Note there is no smsc defined with smsc-id=id_op1 nor id_op2 in

When sending the messages I use &smsc-id=id_op1 or id_op2 into
url so
kannel load-balance through the smsc of corresponding operator and
send the message. This works fine until I restart kannel.

After kannel reset, All QUEUED messages are sent through ONLY
ONE of
the smsc without load-balancing between smsc even though there are
hundreds of queued messages; however if, at the same time, I send
messages to any of the id_op1 or id_op2, this new messages are
correctly load-balanced between smsc-at

I use:

Kannel bearerbox version `1.4.3'. Build `Feb 13 2009 17:32:59',
compiler `4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)'. System Linux, release
2.6.20-1.2962.fc6, version #1 SMP Tue Jun 19 19:27:14 EDT 2007,
machine i686. IP Libxml version 2.6.29. Using OpenSSL
0.9.8b 04 May 2006. Compiled with MySQL 5.0.27, using MySQL 5.0.27.
Using native malloc.

Any ideas?




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Alan McNatty, Wellington, New Zealand
Catalyst IT Limited <http://www.catalyst.net.nz/>
DDI: +64 4 8032201

Alan McNatty, Wellington, New Zealand
Catalyst IT Limited <http://www.catalyst.net.nz/>
DDI: +64 4 8032201

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