Hi George
Thx for your advice,
i will check your different points , it is quite good advice,


De : George Karagheaur [mailto:george.karaghe...@gmail.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 24 janvier 2014 18:22
À : marc.bazi...@orange.com
Cc : devel@kannel.org
Objet : Re: bug reporting about the retry of message when smpp gateway
receive error code from smsc

We had a similar problem with queue limit at SMSC, as options:
1) http-queue-delay integer If set, specifies how many seconds should pass
within the HTTP queuing thread for retrying a failed HTTP request. Defaults
to 10 sec. and is only obeyed if http-request-retry is set to a non-zero
2) if important is just last message use the option on SMSC - replace if
3) update your application to wait some delivery report per msisdn basis

Best Regards


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:17 PM, <marc.bazi...@orange.com> wrote:

We faced to some trouble with application that use kannel.
A subscriber has got a limited number of message on the smsc queue when he
is unreachable. By example if a subscriber turned off his mobile and someone
or something send him message , the sms will be placed on the inetrnal db
from SMSC in order to send him when he will be reachable again on the
network. This db is called SFE "store and forward engine"  but the number of
messages stored are limited . on ournetwork the maximum message that is kept
is 10. I f a susbcriber has got his queue full and a application try to send
him a new message , the smsc will respond with a 0x00000058 error code
message to the smpp gateway. this error is in fact a mapping of the error
0x00000014 "messag equeue full".
The trouble we faced to is that kannel will try to send the message  back
until the subscriber will receive it (  until he will turned on the mobile
).Some of VAS service we used has got an huge traffic and in some affiliate
( often in Africa country ) as one message generate 6 retry per sec , it
filled the capacity of the smsc and often it make crash the smsc. Some
workaround has been found in order to avoid this crash but all the sms are
loosed. This could be problematic when we talk about sms that dealt with
money exchange service.
is there any way to manage the message that has not being taking by the smsc
due to some error , to keep the message into the smpp gateway DB  and do
some retry rule to not loose the message. As far as i can understand from
the behaviour of kannel , there's a db used for dlr , but is it foressen to
do this kind of thing? 
I can send you any pcap trace , log  , etc.... you want. 
tell me if it is clear or not
Thx by advance for your help and advice ,


Marc Bazimon
Expert skill center SMSC Comverse
tél. (+262) 02 62 23 16 14 <tel:%28%2B262%29%2002%2062%2023%2016%2014> 
mob. (+262) 06 92 08 03 92 <tel:%28%2B262%29%2006%2092%2008%2003%2092> 


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Best regards,
George Karagheaur
Mob: +79165482960
Skype: george.karagheaur
Email/MSN: george.karaghe...@gmail.com


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