Mathieu Bridon wrote:
> « Alright, today I'll be implementing feature XYZ in my Foobar program. »
> [... a short hack later, testing the change...]
> « Why doesn't it work? It was working fine last time I tried, what's
> happening »
> [... an hour of debugging later...]
> « $...@!%µ the Libbar librazy was updated and isn't compatible anymore.
> Great, I just lost an hour trying to solve a problem in my program
> when it was coming from an soname bump! Thank you (not) $distro
> maintainer!!! »

It takes you an hour to figure that out? The error message you get when 
you're trying to use a library with the wrong soname is quite clear!

And the next time it happens, you know that you should just make clean; make 
before checking anything else if something like this happens.

        Kevin Kofler

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