On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 01:35:20PM +0100, Ilyes Gouta wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm still interested in seeing a linjpeg-turbo merger with ijg's own
> code base. I'd say that the most performance boost brought in by
> libjpeg-turbo is due to the specialized SIMD routines, which
> theoretically can be easily merged. libjpeg-turbo has also some
> weaknesses such as (as provided from the project's homepage):
Note: Due to the licensing of the two libraries, I think it's more likely
that libjpeg-turbo can merge the changes occurring in ijg jpeg than ijg jpeg
merging libjpeg-turbo changes.  So it might be better for you to look at
what libjpeg-8b provides, what the cost is in compatibility, and decide
whether we should propose those features be merged into libjpeg-turbo.


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