On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 05:23:06PM +1000, Dave Airlie wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 07:00 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> > Dave Airlie wrote:
> > > So in your mind, there is a majority of people on your side, but they
> > > are just too lazy to stand for election and take over the board?
> > 
> > s/too lazy/too busy doing actual work/
> > (as opposed to wasting their time with politics or bureaucracy)
> > 
> > Have you noticed that all the people who are complaining about the policies 
> > are highly experienced packagers?
> > 
> > And there are actually many more people disagreeing with those broken 
> > policies than the ones you notice on the ML, they just don't have the time 
> > to write mails to complain about them. (For example, rumors are that 
> > several 
> > people in the Brno RH office share my concerns.)
> but these people are still in a minority. you are living in a fallacy.

How do you know who is a minority and who is not? I still wonder why
there are so many claims that the majority of Fedora maintainers or
users want to manually test all updates, but still the majority is not
involved in testing the updates. When the discussion started, it was
claimed that submitting karma was too complicated and took too much
time. This is not the case for several months, but still there are
updates that do not receive any karma for more than a month. The last
Bodhi statistics showed 595 unique karma submitters for F13 and there
seem to be 1035 approved packagers currently in Fedora. So if only
packagers submitted karma, it would be the majority. But since there are
a lotsmore users and also dedicated testers for Fedora, it does not look
like a majority anymore.


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