On 31 May 2016 at 12:39, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 2016-05-29 at 17:17 -0400, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>> They usually have a 60 hour a week job
> I hope this isn't accurate...?

I don't know. I was using an old data point where people in the US
software industry once you accounted for all 'unpaid' time: commute,
lunch, after hour hacking on a problem, extra hours during crunch time
and then averaging the hours. That came out for 70 hours a week with
commuting and 60 hours a week if you dropped that for Microsoft and
similar industry giants. Startups were up to 2x that. [They aren't
paid for more than 40 hours a week. Everything else is made up with
possible future stock sales and bonuses.] The social impacts and
differences between US capitalism and everywhere else are outside the
scope of this list/conversation.

In the end, does it matter if it was true or hyperbole? Even if
everyone at  Red Hat only worked 40 hours a week.. other than the N
people directly working on it.. every one else would still be
volunteering their time on Fedora outside of those work hours just as
much as people who are working at a University or IBM or Microsoft.
And whether it is that they worked 40 hours a week or 60 hours.. those
extra hours are just as precious to them as they are for the
University/IBM or Microsoft person

Stephen J Smoogen.
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