Joachim Backes <> wrote:
> On 06/15/16 11:16, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> > I believe the rationale is that there was no sane way to update running
> > applications (firefox, at least, would start not working in interesting
> > ways when you update it after having launched it).  
> What if you updating the bash? It's always running :-;

Running Bash processes will continue running unaffected. Bash instances
started after the update will run the updated version. Neither will
break. To ensure that you're not using the old version you need to
terminate all your Bash processes and start new ones, which can be done
by rebooting, but that can be done at your convenience after the update.

Firefox could have worked this way too, if it had been designed better.

I have some understanding for why Gnome Software tries to enforce a
reboot though. (I assume that's the GUI tool Ade was talking about.)
Gnome 3 is intended for the "Aunt Tillie" kind of user – nontechnical
people who don't know the first thing about computers. Those users
can't be expected to understand or remember that they need to reboot if
certain central components were updated. They'd postpone the reboot
forever because that's the most convenient.

Björn Persson

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