On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 12:41:42 -0400
Russell Doty <rd...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Note that the original poster says that he runs dnf -update from the
> command line because it allows him to do what he wants.
> Based on the information discussed in this thread, shouldn't dnf also
> force a reboot before updates?

Well, it's different historical behavior/tradeoffs. dnf assumes you
will reboot as you need to / restart apps that need restarting. 

> We have an observed difference between what is permitted in the cli
> tool and what is permitted in the gui tool. Why this difference?

History and tradeoffs. dnf (and yum before it) have always applied
updates when you asked without a reboot, and they have decided that the
problems with doing so are acceptable. 

I'd personally be against changing this behavior now, but it might be
nice to add a way to opt in with dnf... ie, a 'dnf update --offline' or
something to apply the updates the way that gnome-software does for
those that want that. 


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