On 29/06/16 12:08, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Petr Pisar wrote:
>> per Build Root Without Perl Fedora 25 change
>> <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Build_Root_Without_Perl>, I'm
>> ready to implement the most visible part of this change.
> That change completely fails to account for the unknown (probably very high) 
> number of packages that run Perl scripts at any point of their build 
> process. All the steps you documented to detect affected packages catch only 
> packages that actually have Perl-related output (because you scan the 
> RUNTIME dependencies for Perl module or libperl dependencies), which are 
> only the tip of the iceberg. I expect this change to break a huge number of 
> packages' build in very strange, hard to debug ways. It is likely that some 
> will even silently build with some important functionality removed, because 
> Perl was not available to build some generated file or test for some system 
> properties.
> I also expect that a very high percentage of the packages will need a BR 
> perl (if not perl-generators or even perl-devel), making any buildroot size 
> savings moot, and actually SLOWING DOWN mock builds because perl will no 
> longer be included in the root cache.
> IMHO, any approval you obtained for this feature needs to be revisited, 
> because you failed to accurately describe the impact.

Good analysis.

I would like the perl team to consider taking this opportunity to remove
non-standard behavior instead of adding more. The whole perl/perl-devel
split was to make the install smaller, mostly for build root reasons.
Since that is no longer a consideration can we make it so that requiring
perl gets you a proper perl core installed?

That should stop most breakage as anyone using none core stuff should
have had it specifically required anyway.

Cheers, Jeff.
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