On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jul 2010 13:39:43 +0100, Richard wrote:
>> So I think it's valid for packages to have 0, 1, 2, or more
>> maintainers.
> Why 0? Who will be notified about bugzilla tickets? Who will receive
> mail sent to the PACKAGE-owner Fedora e-mail alias?

Some mailing list like dumping-gro...@fedoraproject.org. I am sure
someone can come up with a better name.

> For each package in the collection, there ought to be at least (!) one
> maintainer, who wants to be responsible for taking care of the package.

Yes. And everyone who is subscribed to the above mailing list is a
potential maintainer of those packages with 0 principal maintainers.
Great idea.

>> If #maintainers == 0 then the package is either just sitting there (as
>> long as there are no serious bugs), or is being best-effort maintained
>> by provenpackagers, at least until that becomes a burden and only then
>> should the package be dropped.
> Sounds like the infamous dumping-ground for packages. Welcome back,
> contrib.redhat.com! Or what? "Best-effort maintained" ranging from
> "no effort" to "over-ambitious upgrade hell".

+1. Exactly. Good thinking!

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