On 09/12/2016 01:21 PM, Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
> Dne 12.9.2016 v 17:48 Basil Mohamed Gohar napsal(a):
>> On 09/11/2016 02:19 PM, stan wrote:
>>> On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 22:04:22 -0400
>>> Basil Mohamed Gohar <basilgo...@librevideo.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 09/08/2016 03:44 AM, Basil Mohamed Gohar wrote:
>>>>>> Even since I installed F24 on both my desktop as well as my laptop
>>>>>> I've noticed a severe performance degradation in terms of video
>>>>>> playback.
>>> Is this using a browser, or a player on the system, like vlc or mplayer?
>>> What does your 'severe performance degradation' consist of?  Dropped
>>> frames?  Lock up?  Artifacts?  Could network congestion or speed be a
>>> factor?  Or do you just mean that the gui is slow to respond?
>>>>>> I've noticed this performance issue in both MATE (my preferred DE)
>>>>>> as well as Gnome.  I have AMD CPUs with AMD GPUs (the laptop is an
>>>>>> APU but also has a discrete card as well).
>>>>>> I don't want to use devel just to report a problem, but I'd also
>>> This really belongs on users.  You can subscribe to users by
>>> sending an email message to
>>> users-requ...@lists.fedoraproject.org
>>> with subscribe in the subject line, and from email address
>>> basilgo...@librevideo.org
>>>>>> like some help in diagnosing the issue so that a fix can be found
>>>>>> – but unfortunately I don't really know where to start.
>>> What does top show happening on your system when you notice the problem?
>>> How about iotop?  Is there lots of disk usage happening? Are there
>>> things like locate or other search aids running in the background to
>>> update their databases?  Are you updating your system when it seems
>>> slow? Is your system memory constrained?  Other cron scheduled jobs?
>>> This usually is really heavy early in system usage as they build their
>>> databases, and then tapers off as only incremental changes are made.
>>> It's unlikely to be due to F24, more likely to be due to your situation.
> Personally I'm also interested why the video playback  in Firefox is so
> horrible.
> I'm using C2D - this is easily capable to play high bitrate FullHD
> movies in mplayer.
> Yet it gets chooked by quite low-bandwidth low quality 640-pixel-wide
> videos from Youtube.
> Doesn't really matter much if the native h265 codec is used or it's
> passed through the oldish 'flash' adobe plugin.
> Looking at 'perf' trace - it obviously spends ages in libxul -  and it's
> very quickly passing though ffmpeg library used now by 'ff'.
> There is some 'minor' difference between   h265/flash playback
> smoothness - but none of them is NOWHERE near to be usable.
> So whenever I want to see a video playing fluently without using some
> later 4x3GHz i7 CPU -  I simply need to download video and play via
> mplayer....
> I'd love to see some progress here - but it's getting worst with each
> new relase of FF - not mentionion  'FF' starts to cut interfaces so less
> and less plugins do work. And no I see zero interest of 'ff' group to
> solve this issue for Linux - they mostly care purely about windows these
> days :(....
> And of course horrible playback is in '-safe-mode' as well - so no
> plugin could be accused for this. As well as I'm using -nodebug Fedora
> kernels
> and latest/greatest  SNA xf86 driver.
> Regards
> Zdenek

Funny, mplayer by default has the same or similar stuttering that I see
in Totem and Firefox.  I haven't tried with different draw/acceleration
methods (there are plenty), so it's whatever's being used by default.

Again, to contrast, VLC video playback is smooth as butter.

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