On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>

> And really the bottom line is, dnf update is fine the vast majority of
> the time, except when it isn't.  Failures are somewhere in between a
> bug and not at all surprising. And people have been working hard on
> solving this for years.

Chris, first of all thanks much for posting the links.  They basically
reinforced my opinion.  I have no issue whatsoever with
"offline" updates.  It is of course a valid approach to a problem.  My
concern was that the blanket implication about the safety
of using DNF within a DE.  Even your comment that it is "fine... until it
isn't" (which can be said about anything) proves the point.

Packagekit... is "safe until it isn't" - refer to:
which by the way caused me a bunch of grief because on a lark one day I
decided to try it out... sucks to be me I guess.

If offline updates have a place (and yes I believe they do) then why isn't
that functionality built into DNF now?  I would assume (and
yes, I know what happens when people ASS-U-ME - ;-) ) that it is because
the DNF team doesn't believe the risk/benefit ratio is
high enough to put it in yet and they believe other features/functionality
are more beneficial.

That said, they basically already do it with the dnf-system-upgrade plugin;
so why not just expand
that a bit.  Also, while i completely understand that it is much easier to
just use a sledgehammer and say "offline upgrades for everything" -
we both know that isn't required.  Again, there is a place for "offline"
updates - and I would like to see that option in DNF - but everything
has it's place.
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