Al Dunsmuir wrote:

> I  would suggest doing PGO for the following:
> - Compression-type  utilities  (gz,  zip,  unzip,  7zip,  etc),
>   especially those libraries used by RPM to generate/process deltas.

and encryption stuff: openssl, openssh, md5sum, sha1sum, ...

and data intensive stuff: rsync, gcc, grep, ...

> - Helper routines used by yum to extract dependencies
> - X-Windows  server and libraries used for 2D and 3D display such as
>   opengl, compiz, etc.

and ghostscript, poppler, ...

Everyone will easily suggest Firefox and

What about Java? (I mean: is the execution of the JIT-compiler part
relevant enough to total speed?)

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at
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