On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Roberto Ragusa <m...@robertoragusa.it> wrote:
> Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> I  would suggest doing PGO for the following:
>> - Compression-type  utilities  (gz,  zip,  unzip,  7zip,  etc),
>>   especially those libraries used by RPM to generate/process deltas.
> and encryption stuff: openssl, openssh, md5sum, sha1sum, ...
> and data intensive stuff: rsync, gcc, grep, ...
>> - Helper routines used by yum to extract dependencies
>> - X-Windows  server and libraries used for 2D and 3D display such as
>>   opengl, compiz, etc.
> and ghostscript, poppler, ...
> Everyone will easily suggest Firefox and OpenOffice.org.

Not sure about firefox but atleast xulrunner and thus spidermonkey
should help any app that uses them.
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