---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: DJ Delorie <d...@redhat.com>
Komu: Development discussions related to Fedora <devel@lists.fedoraproject.
Datum: 5. 12. 2016 20:37:43
Předmět: Re: F26 System Wide Change: Enable coredumpctl by default

Jan Kurik <jku...@redhat.com> writes:
> Note that coredumpctl is intended as a developer tool,

As a developer, I remove abrt and anything else that redirects cores
away from my development area. It's really hard to debug a core dump if
you can't find the core file."
""---------- Původní zpráva ----------""Od: DJ Delorie <d...@redhat.com>""
Komu: Development discussions related to Fedora <devel@lists.fedoraproject.
org>""Datum: 5. 12. 2016 20:37:43""Předmět: Re: F26 System Wide Change: 
Enable coredumpctl by default""
""Jan Kurik <jku...@redhat.com> writes:""> Note that coredumpctl is intended
as a developer tool,""
""As a developer, I remove abrt and anything else that redirects cores""away
from my development area. It's really hard to debug a core dump if""you can'
t find the core file.""
""Just sayin'""_______________________________________________""devel 
mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org""To unsubscribe send an email 
to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org"
Just sayin'

Then you have no problem with this change, because if you remove

ABRT, systemd-coredump takes over core dumping :) 


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