On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Japheth Cleaver <clea...@terabithia.org> wrote:

> I feel like if this happens it will hasten the day when those of us
> primarily working in EL-variant land have to consider a need for a new,
> EL-forward, RPM-based open source "community" OS.
> Fedora's role of breaking all sorts of things because $shinyNewParadigm --
> moving further and further from the semblance of stability available in just
> being an extrapolation of where RHEL and its derivatives end up -- does
> create certain operational borders. Eventually that friction becomes
> unbearable.

Uhh, I see this as something is degrading and inevitably going to fall
apart. There's the spit and baling wire approach, where the ostrich
maneuver would mean at least we wouldn't have to witness the
aftermath. Or there's this other idea that Stephen had which sounded
to me like it's trying to leverage learned things, not invent all
shiny new stuff. It was a trial balloon anyway, so I wouldn't make it
out to be more than grandiose than that.

Chris Murphy
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