On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I'm somehow missing the point probably, but as a rawhide user, when I want
> to take some package from F28 (typically kernel), then I have to do "sudo
> dnf update --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=updates{,-testing} kernel\*
> --release 28", i.e. the problem is that I have to enable the "updates"
> repositories and that is about organization of the packages, not about the
> 28 vs Rawhide. So how would your proposal help with this?

The current situation is that 'fedora', 'updates' and 'updates-testing'
repos are disabled in Rawhide, and instead a single 'rawhide' repo is
enabled (with hardcoded paths). It's true that if you specifically disable
the rawhide repo and instead enable the fedora/updates/updates-testing ones
(note: you're missing the fedora repo in your example), the command does
work. But it's again one example of what you need to do differently on
Rawhide than on other releases. I'd like to see the same approach wherever
you are.

With the new approach, you could do simply this:
$ dnf list/download/repoquery/whatever package --releasever=28
the same way as you do this on other releases.

Now, there are two ways how this can be handled by Fedora releng. Either
they only enable the 'fedora' repo on Rawhide, and then if you wanted to
access updates/updates-testing repos with this command line, you'd need to
add --enablerepo=updates and/or --enablerepo=updates-testing. (You can say
that this is still consistent with stable releases, it's just that the
general expectation is that 'updates' repo is always enabled). Or they
enable 'updates' repo by default on Rawhide as well (the same way stable
releases have it), and they point it to an empty repo dir (they can even
set it to never expire or almost never). In that case no --enablerepo will
be necessary, and this will be 100% matching stable releases approach.

I admit the end-user benefit here is very small (except for consistency and
perhaps documentation). When you start automating tasks and need to run
such commands on different Fedora releases including Rawhide, the benefit
might be larger.
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