I have a question about this because I don't fully understand modularity.
If these packages are retired, how will maintainers get them installed from
their respective modules in order to build their own packages, and how will
users get the appropriate modules installed to satisfy dependencies? Or is
it the case that no F30 packages will be able to depend on them at all?

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018, 13:11 Mikolaj Izdebski <mizde...@redhat.com> wrote:

> TL;DR  I am planning to orphan Java packages listed below soon after
> Fedora 29 GA. Let me know if you want to adopt any of them.
> I'm in the process of transitioning maintenance of all software to
> modules only. The reason is that module maintenance is much easier
> compared to maintenance of non-modular, "ursine" packages. Starting from
> Fedora 29 modules are first-class citizens, so I am finally able to
> orphan ursine packages that are already available in modules.
> Ideally these packages should be retired instead of orphaning them, but
> these packages are build-required by a lot of other things.
> Unfortunately as of today modules can't be used as build-requires of
> ursine packages and I'm not aware of any plans to change that. Therefore
> I will let interested parties take maintenance of orphaned packages, or
> else let release engineering figure out how to retire them without
> breaking the whole distro.
> I decided to start with the following subset of ursine packages for
> which I am listed as PoC. Until Fedora 29 GA I will be providing all
> updates and fixes to these packages in all active +*release branches.
> After Fedora 29 GA I will orphan these packages, but I will keep
> providing important bugfixes for Fedora 27 and Fedora 28. After Fedora
> 28 EOL I will not maintain these packages in release (non-arbitrary)
> branches at all - I will maintain only corresponding modules.
> If you want to adopt any of these packages, please let me know and I
> will happily transfer them to you.
> Packages orphan:
> ant
> ant-contrib
> aopalliance
> apache-commons-beanutils
> apache-commons-collections
> apache-commons-compress
> apache-commons-io
> apache-commons-jxpath
> apache-commons-lang
> apache-commons-lang3
> apache-commons-logging
> apache-commons-net
> apache-ivy
> apache-parent
> apache-resource-bundles
> aqute-bnd
> atinject
> bcel
> beust-jcommander
> bsf
> bsh
> byaccj
> cal10n
> easymock
> exec-maven-plugin
> felix-osgi-core
> felix-utils
> geronimo-jms
> geronimo-jpa
> geronimo-parent-poms
> glassfish-jsp-api
> google-guice
> guava20
> hawtjni
> httpcomponents-client
> httpcomponents-core
> httpcomponents-project
> jakarta-commons-httpclient
> jansi
> jansi-native
> javacc
> javacc-maven-plugin
> javamail
> javapackages-tools
> javassist
> jaxen
> jdepend
> jdependency
> jflex
> jsoup
> junit
> jvnet-parent
> maven
> maven-antrun-plugin
> maven-archiver
> maven-artifact-resolver
> maven-artifact-transfer
> maven-assembly-plugin
> maven-clean-plugin
> maven-compiler-plugin
> maven-dependency-analyzer
> maven-dependency-plugin
> maven-dependency-tree
> maven-doxia
> maven-doxia-sitetools
> maven-enforcer
> maven-file-management
> maven-filtering
> maven-invoker
> maven-jar-plugin
> maven-parent
> maven-plugin-build-helper
> maven-plugin-bundle
> maven-plugins-pom
> maven-plugin-testing
> maven-plugin-tools
> maven-reporting-api
> maven-reporting-impl
> maven-resolver
> maven-script-interpreter
> maven-shade-plugin
> maven-shared-incremental
> maven-shared-io
> maven-shared-utils
> maven-source-plugin
> maven-surefire
> maven-verifier
> maven-wagon
> modello
> mojo-parent
> munge-maven-plugin
> objectweb-pom
> osgi-compendium
> osgi-core
> os-maven-plugin
> plexus-ant-factory
> plexus-archiver
> plexus-bsh-factory
> plexus-classworlds
> plexus-cli
> plexus-compiler
> plexus-component-factories-pom
> plexus-components-pom
> plexus-containers
> plexus-i18n
> plexus-interactivity
> plexus-interpolation
> plexus-io
> plexus-languages
> plexus-resources
> plexus-utils
> plexus-velocity
> qdox
> regexp
> sisu
> sisu-mojos
> slf4j
> sonatype-oss-parent
> sonatype-plugins-parent
> velocity
> xalan-j2
> xbean
> xmvn
> xz-java
> Maintainers by package:
> ant                  akurtakov jcapik kdaniel mizdebsk msrb
> ant-contrib          davidcl mizdebsk
> aopalliance          mizdebsk
> apache-commons-beanutils fnasser mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-collections jcapik mizdebsk
> apache-commons-compress mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-io    mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-jxpath fnasser mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-lang  mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-lang3 mizdebsk
> apache-commons-logging kdaniel mizdebsk spike
> apache-commons-net   mizdebsk spike
> apache-ivy           mizdebsk
> apache-parent        mizdebsk
> apache-resource-bundles mizdebsk
> aqute-bnd            jcapik mizdebsk
> atinject             kdaniel mizdebsk
> bcel                 mizdebsk
> beust-jcommander     jcapik mizdebsk
> bsf                  choeger mizdebsk
> bsh                  mizdebsk
> byaccj               akurtakov dbhole mizdebsk
> cal10n               mizdebsk
> easymock             akurtakov ctubbsii dbhole fnasser mizdebsk
> exec-maven-plugin    mizdebsk
> felix-osgi-core      jcapik mizdebsk
> felix-utils          jcapik mizdebsk
> geronimo-jms         mizdebsk
> geronimo-jpa         lef mizdebsk
> geronimo-parent-poms mizdebsk
> glassfish-jsp-api    kdaniel mizdebsk
> google-guice         mizdebsk
> guava20              mizdebsk
> hawtjni              gil goldmann mizdebsk
> httpcomponents-client jerboaa kdaniel mizdebsk
> httpcomponents-core  jerboaa kdaniel mizdebsk
> httpcomponents-project mizdebsk
> jakarta-commons-httpclient dbhole ke4qqq mizdebsk
> jansi                goldmann mizdebsk
> jansi-native         goldmann mizdebsk
> javacc               jcapik mizdebsk
> javacc-maven-plugin  jcapik mizdebsk
> javamail             mizdebsk
> javapackages-tools   mizdebsk msrb
> javassist            john5342 mizdebsk
> jaxen                mizdebsk
> jdepend              goldmann jcapik mizdebsk
> jdependency          mizdebsk
> jflex                jcapik mizdebsk
> jsoup                jcapik mizdebsk
> junit                kdaniel mizdebsk
> jvnet-parent         mizdebsk
> maven                akurtakov jamielinux mizdebsk msrb
> maven-antrun-plugin  mizdebsk
> maven-archiver       akurtakov mizdebsk
> maven-artifact-resolver mizdebsk
> maven-artifact-transfer mizdebsk
> maven-assembly-plugin gil huwang jcapik mizdebsk
> maven-clean-plugin   mizdebsk
> maven-compiler-plugin mizdebsk
> maven-dependency-analyzer mizdebsk
> maven-dependency-plugin mizdebsk
> maven-dependency-tree mizdebsk
> maven-doxia          akurtakov mef mizdebsk
> maven-doxia-sitetools akurtakov dbhole mizdebsk
> maven-enforcer       jcapik mizdebsk
> maven-file-management mizdebsk
> maven-filtering      mizdebsk
> maven-invoker        mizdebsk
> maven-jar-plugin     mizdebsk
> maven-parent         mizdebsk
> maven-plugin-build-helper mizdebsk
> maven-plugin-bundle  jcapik mizdebsk
> maven-plugin-testing jcapik mizdebsk yyang
> maven-plugin-tools   jcapik mizdebsk yyang
> maven-plugins-pom    mizdebsk
> maven-reporting-api  mizdebsk
> maven-reporting-impl mizdebsk
> maven-resolver       mizdebsk
> maven-script-interpreter mizdebsk
> maven-shade-plugin   jcapik mizdebsk pingou
> maven-shared-incremental mizdebsk
> maven-shared-io      mizdebsk
> maven-shared-utils   mizdebsk
> maven-source-plugin  mizdebsk
> maven-surefire       akurtakov jcapik mizdebsk
> maven-verifier       mizdebsk
> maven-wagon          akurtakov dbhole fnasser jcapik mizdebsk yyang
> modello              fnasser mizdebsk yyang
> mojo-parent          mizdebsk
> munge-maven-plugin   mizdebsk
> objectweb-pom        mizdebsk
> os-maven-plugin      ctubbsii mizdebsk
> osgi-compendium      mizdebsk
> osgi-core            mizdebsk
> plexus-ant-factory   mizdebsk
> plexus-archiver      dbhole jcapik mizdebsk
> plexus-bsh-factory   mizdebsk
> plexus-classworlds   dbhole fnasser mizdebsk
> plexus-cli           mizdebsk
> plexus-compiler      mizdebsk
> plexus-component-factories-pom mizdebsk
> plexus-components-pom mizdebsk
> plexus-containers    dbhole fnasser mizdebsk yyang
> plexus-i18n          dbhole jcapik mizdebsk
> plexus-interactivity mizdebsk
> plexus-interpolation gil jcapik mizdebsk
> plexus-io            jcapik mizdebsk
> plexus-languages     mizdebsk
> plexus-resources     jcapik mizdebsk
> plexus-utils         fnasser mizdebsk
> plexus-velocity      jcapik mizdebsk
> qdox                 mizdebsk
> regexp               mizdebsk
> sisu                 mizdebsk
> sisu-mojos           mizdebsk
> slf4j                mizdebsk
> sonatype-oss-parent  mizdebsk
> sonatype-plugins-parent mizdebsk
> velocity             devrim mizdebsk
> xalan-j2             kdaniel mizdebsk
> xbean                kdaniel mizdebsk
> xmvn                 mizdebsk msrb
> xz-java              kdaniel mizdebsk
> Packages by maintainer:
> akurtakov  ant byaccj easymock maven maven-archiver maven-doxia
> maven-doxia-sitetools maven-surefire maven-wagon
> choeger    bsf
> ctubbsii   easymock os-maven-plugin
> davidcl    ant-contrib
> dbhole     byaccj easymock jakarta-commons-httpclient
> maven-doxia-sitetools maven-wagon plexus-archiver plexus-classworlds
> plexus-containers plexus-i18n
> devrim     velocity
> fnasser    apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-jxpath easymock
> maven-wagon modello plexus-classworlds plexus-containers plexus-utils
> gil        hawtjni maven-assembly-plugin plexus-interpolation
> goldmann   hawtjni jansi jansi-native jdepend
> huwang     maven-assembly-plugin
> jamielinux maven
> jcapik     ant apache-commons-collections aqute-bnd beust-jcommander
> felix-osgi-core felix-utils javacc javacc-maven-plugin jdepend jflex
> jsoup maven-assembly-plugin maven-enforcer maven-plugin-bundle
> maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools maven-shade-plugin
> maven-surefire maven-wagon plexus-archiver plexus-i18n
> plexus-interpolation plexus-io plexus-resources plexus-velocity
> jerboaa    httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-core
> john5342   javassist
> kdaniel    ant apache-commons-logging atinject glassfish-jsp-api
> httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-core junit xalan-j2 xbean xz-java
> ke4qqq     jakarta-commons-httpclient
> lef        geronimo-jpa
> mef        maven-doxia
> mizdebsk   ant ant-contrib aopalliance apache-commons-beanutils
> apache-commons-collections apache-commons-compress apache-commons-io
> apache-commons-jxpath apache-commons-lang apache-commons-lang3
> apache-commons-logging apache-commons-net apache-ivy apache-parent
> apache-resource-bundles aqute-bnd atinject bcel beust-jcommander bsf bsh
> byaccj cal10n easymock exec-maven-plugin felix-osgi-core felix-utils
> geronimo-jms geronimo-jpa geronimo-parent-poms glassfish-jsp-api
> google-guice guava20 hawtjni httpcomponents-client httpcomponents-core
> httpcomponents-project jakarta-commons-httpclient jansi jansi-native
> javacc javacc-maven-plugin javamail javapackages-tools javassist jaxen
> jdepend jdependency jflex jsoup junit jvnet-parent maven
> maven-antrun-plugin maven-archiver maven-artifact-resolver
> maven-artifact-transfer maven-assembly-plugin maven-clean-plugin
> maven-compiler-plugin maven-dependency-analyzer maven-dependency-plugin
> maven-dependency-tree maven-doxia maven-doxia-sitetools maven-enforcer
> maven-file-management maven-filtering maven-invoker maven-jar-plugin
> maven-parent maven-plugin-build-helper maven-plugin-bundle
> maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools maven-plugins-pom
> maven-reporting-api maven-reporting-impl maven-resolver
> maven-script-interpreter maven-shade-plugin maven-shared-incremental
> maven-shared-io maven-shared-utils maven-source-plugin maven-surefire
> maven-verifier maven-wagon modello mojo-parent munge-maven-plugin
> objectweb-pom os-maven-plugin osgi-compendium osgi-core
> plexus-ant-factory plexus-archiver plexus-bsh-factory plexus-classworlds
> plexus-cli plexus-compiler plexus-component-factories-pom
> plexus-components-pom plexus-containers plexus-i18n plexus-interactivity
> plexus-interpolation plexus-io plexus-languages plexus-resources
> plexus-utils plexus-velocity qdox regexp sisu sisu-mojos slf4j
> sonatype-oss-parent sonatype-plugins-parent velocity xalan-j2 xbean xmvn
> xz-java
> msrb       ant javapackages-tools maven xmvn
> pingou     maven-shade-plugin
> spike      apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-compress
> apache-commons-io apache-commons-jxpath apache-commons-lang
> apache-commons-logging apache-commons-net
> yyang      maven-plugin-testing maven-plugin-tools maven-wagon modello
> plexus-containers
> --
> Mikolaj Izdebski
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
> IRC: mizdebsk
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