On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 12:10:11AM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
 > Heya,
 > just a little heads up for when you upgrade a rawhide system that is a
 > few weeks old to current rawhide: since we changed the way how some of
 > the default symlinks of systemd are created you will end up with an
 > installation that lacks many of the necessary symlinks -- but only if
 > you upgrade from a systemd version from older rawhide to current
 > rawhide. It's really only a problem in this case. It is not a problem
 > with fresh F14 installations, and it is not a problem with upgrades from
 > F13. The fix is easy: after upgrading just run this command as root and
 > the missing links should be created:
 >     # systemctl enable ge...@.service prefdm.service getty.target 
 > rc-local.service remote-fs.target
 > And that should make things work again.

even after doing this, I still haven't managed to get a single box running 
They all hang after complaining that it failed to load configuration for 
(and a bunch of other services like distcache, livesys-late, cman)

It tells me to see the logs for details, but there's not a single message
from systemd in the logs.

as an aside: it also prints out some bogus messages about autofs and ipv6 being
missing. if you could remove those, that would likely save some pointless bug 


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