On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 03:04:43PM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
> As to not keep moving the goal posts for Lennart, I believe that some
> group (perhaps FESCo) should come up with a set of "do or die"
> functionality for systemd, that can be tested for at the test day.  That
> way the goals are clearly marked.  If it passes, hurray!  If it doesn't
> pass, then FESCo would be able to give Lennart a timeline to make them
> pass, or enact the rollback plan.  Obviously this timeline should leave
> enough time at the end of it to enact the rollback plan without causing
> Beta to slip.  Or FESCo could decide that systemd is worth slipping for
> and thus enact a slip until systemd can pass the "do or die" test set.
> Either way, clearly mark the goals, let Lennart shoot for them.

FTR, this sounds perfect to me. I am not opposed to systemd a priori.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect -- Instructional & Research Computing Services
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
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