
   > For the most part Fedora is a community built around the Fedora
   > Operating System which is 90+% sponsored and paid for by Red Hat
   > Inc.

How are you defining which things are sponsored and paid for?  If it's
"whatever things Red Hat chooses to pay for", then the answer to how
much RH pays for is 100% by definition.  If it's "all of the things
Red Hat requires from external contributors in order to make Fedora",
the answer to how much RH pays for is surely more like 10%, assuming
RH's level of contribution to the kernel and GNOME and so on holds
across different projects.

But I suppose this doesn't get at my real annoyance with your mail,
which is that you answered "how are we going to decide who Fedora's
users are and what they need?" with something awfully close to "Red
Hat funds everything and so Fedora doesn't need to care about that",
with a side dose of "and go away if you don't like it".

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child
devel mailing list

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