----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Gallagher" <sgall...@redhat.com>
> To: devel-annou...@lists.fedoraproject.org, "Development discussions related 
> to Fedora"
> <devel@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 5:31:38 PM
> Subject: Fedora 33 System-Wide Change Proposal: ELN Buildroot and Compose V3
> I sent out the V2 version of the Change on Friday and then promptly
> managed to injure myself and be away from email until today. I've read
> through the email threads again this morning and I decided that,
> rather than try to address them one by one, I'd try again with a V3
> that hopefully answers some of the repeated questions and concerns on
> that list.
> Please see the newly-updated
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ELN_Buildroot_and_Compose
> for more details[1].
> [1]
> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Changes%2FELN_Buildroot_and_Compose&type=revision&diff=569904&oldid=569809
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Ok I took the time to read all the previous threads and the proposal as well as 
the clarifications.

In general I am in favor of the idea, however I concur with my fellow 
packagers, that the current proposal is having some serious issues, and I'm 
very reluctant in agreeing with the given rationale of various details.

I also feel that I am iterating a lot of the feedback that was given already 
however I believe it was neither heard nor taken into account.

So to start:

> ELN (Enterprise Linux Next) is going to be that place. What we want  to do is 
> establish a set of RPM conditionals that can be used for the  set of packages 
> that may need to be built differently for a RHEL-like  target as  compared to 
> a Fedora one. (For example, Fedora often ships  with experimental or 
> less-commonly-used features enabled for packages  that Red Hat would not want 
> to support for Enterprise Linux customers). 

Some packagers are fine with adding conditionals in their SPECs and that is ok. 
However as one of the maintainers of the main python interpreter as well as 
various alternative ones, and hundreds of libraries, not only throughout Fedora 
but across the RHEL ecosystem, I can say that this change vastly complicates my 
work. As a team we maintain approximately 35+ different branches of various 
python interpreters and if it was making sense to have single SPECs by using 
conditionals, we would pretty much do it without hassle. Different 
projects/products have differents needs and different goals (and different 
branches but more on that later).

I could just add RHEL and SCL conditionals however not only it would clutter 
the SPEC file to insane amounts of unnecessary craft, the only people who would 
know how to work with it, would be me and my team. I want to encourage 
contributions from the community at my packages, not make them more complex and 
deter others from contributing.

So in that respect, in Fedora I wouldn't personally add any RHEL (or ELN) 
conditionals, as our RHEL work can vary significantly. And it would drive 
potential collaborators away if every change visible in Fedora, would also have 
an effect on a black box that would be ELN. Why would they even bother if they 
don't have access to that? And what's their motivation to even work with those 
conditionals? Am I supposed, for example, to reject PR's that could break  ELN 
due to its different compiler flags, but have no effect on Fedora, from a user 
and a contributor working to better a package on our OS?

Also contributors *are* users of Fedora and driving them away, may very well 
drive a portion of our userbase away as well.

As a sister effort to this, the OSCI team will also be implementing  automated 
tests that will run against ELN composes and provide non-blocking feedback to 
the package maintainers about potential issues in the Enterprise Linux 

I don't like this part either. Feedback is still feedback blocking or not. 
Seeing a big red sign that a change broke ELN is just nagging people to fix 
issues that might not even affect them in any significant way. I would like the 
ELN testing feedback to be opt-in for packagers who do not maintain something 
in ELN or RHEL and only the actual RHEL maintainer to get the notification. If 
not, that is unnecessary noise.

The reasoning behind this approach is so that we break as little as  possible 
when we implement this new build and compose. Existing packages  that are using 
conditionals such as if 0%{?rhel} > 7  will transition over to building "like 
RHEL" automatically. Any packages  that do not have a shared Fedora/RHEL 
specfile will continue to build  as normal. There will be some unknown number 
of packages whose existing  conditionals will need to be updated to account for 
ELN. At present, we  are estimating that there will be around 200 packages that 
need such  attention. The ELN SIG will be providing guidance and pull-requests 
to  assist with this. 

The number of packages here is very optimistic and frankly quite unreal. Having 
worked on mass scale package changes, from Python rebases, to decoupling 
python2 from RHEL8 I can assure you this number would much much higher, in my 
opinion at least. Guidance and pull requests, while helpful, shouldn't be 
required for packagers who don't want them, whatever their reasons might be.

The %{eln} variable will be set primarily to allow for  the possibility of 
needing conditionals that apply to ELN only and  should not carry over to RHEL, 
but we expect its use to be exceptionally  rare. 

I don't understand this part. So the %{eln} macro will be in Fedora and ELN, 
but not actually RHEL?

Such fixes will be done via a pull request that states a time limit.   We want 
the regular maintainers to see / comment / commit, but we also  don't want 
things to stall for months and get forgotten about. 
For less trivial fixes, we may provide a pull-request or use  other methods to 
communicate with the maintainers to determine a path  forwards that is 
acceptable to them. 

As long as your package builds in ELN then just maintain your package  like 
normal. If there is a build failure, the ELN SIG may provide a PR  as described 
above or will discuss alternative approaches on an  individual basis with you. 
The ELN SIG will not dictate how you must  proceed, but will try to find a 
solution that you are comfortable with. 

It is reasonable to provide a pull request to fix potential issues with ELN. 
What is not reasonable, is to impose a time limit and also expect the 
maintainers to follow up with that. And what exactly would be the way forward 
for packagers that do not want those conditionals in their package, while it 
also fails to build in ELN, potentially blocking other packages? Would you 
merge it as a proven packager, despite possible drawbacks? I can easily see a 
game of revertions if that was to happen. So please explain what other possible 
approaches there would be in that case, and I hope it is not to actually 
convince the packager to accept the conditionals.

This adds no value to the current approach where Red Hat maintainers  would 
manually merge their changes into the internal build  infrastructure. There's 
no way to automate the sync from the master branch to the eln  branch that 
wouldn't break and require maintainer involvement.  Attempting to branch only 
individual packages would introduce  significant complexity in the build 
process as well, leading to far more  opportunity for bugs. Lastly, even the 
most diligent of maintainers can  forget to sync every change to a new branch, 
thus leaving us in a  situation where the eln branch has fallen behind and is 
no  longer providing an accurate view of whether the package is still  building 
or functioning in that environment. 

Automatically synced branches or symbolic references to branches is a great 
solution to that, and I really like the idea that Fabio proposed to provide an 
optional eln branch for packagers who either do not want to merge the changes, 
or if the change is too complex to make sense for Fedora.

Classically, Fedora sees a flurry of activity from Red Hat developers  in the 
run-up to a new Red Hat Enterprise Linux release. These Red Hat  teams 
frantically attempt to push a few years' downstream effort up into  Fedora 
before it is branched for the next RHEL development. It is not  uncommon for 
these teams to disappear downstream again once this has  happened. This harms 
both Fedora and Red Hat with the lack of upstream  involvement. With ELN, we 
hope to make Fedora Rawhide a more appealing  (and canonical) place for those 
developers to work. This should increase  the amount of ongoing developer 
involvement in Fedora, and also make  Fedora a more valuable resource for Red 
Hat, which can help to ensure  funding and support. 

That is true to an extend. I don't see that as a failure with the procedures 
though, more like a failure to communicate to those teams/developers, to stress 
just how important Fedora is for our downstream work. And honestly I haven't 
interacted with many developers who don't think Fedora is important enough, so 
that point from my experience is a bit moot, in respect to pushing such an 
intrusive change. I'm obviously biased here, but looking, as an example at the 
state of the Python, Ruby, Perl ecosystem across Fedora and RHEL, you can see 
the Fedora work is not only important, but the main drive for a healthy RHEL 
ecosystem. And I'm happy to say my management understands that.

ELN artifacts will be made available for testing and development purposes, but 
we will not be shipping any content produced from ELN directly to the general 
public (such as on the standard mirror network or via getfedora.org). This does 
not necessarily mean that they will be shipped directly from Koji, merely that 
they won't come from the standard locations. 

It would be better to provide artifacts, there is no reason to keep this in a 
black box, maybe I'd like to spin VM's, maybe containers. Just updating a 
regular rawhide installation to eln in order to test a simple fix is not 
something I would do very enthusiastically.

Some more thoughts:

Since the current Fedora infrastructure is already stretched thin, especially 
with modularity, koschei rebuilds, the CI and so on, has a possible impact on 
the load been considered/measured? I know for starters that the tasks will have 
a lower priority, however has any assessment been made to get a rough idea on 
what and if any additional resources will be required?

I'd also like to point out that all the past system-wide changes, except from 
maybe rebases of important packages, have always had detailed descriptions on 
how they were going to be implemented and a well laid-out contingency plan. 
They weren't mere ideas, and while I understand that not all questions can be 
answered at this point, starting with a very high level goal and iterating on 
it, is not something to be done as a fedora system-wide change, not at least 
since some details need to be cemented on the aforementioned points.

A system-wide change and the fedora devel thread of it, is a place to gather 
feedback from the community, incorporate that and move forward from there, not 
somewhere where blind trust should be placed on the change owners and accuse 
people and even elected representatives of ignoring feedback. It really does 
seem like projection when placing the whole conversation into context.

I understand that especially during those trying times, everyone might be a bit 
on edge while trying to stay productive and within the deadlines, however it 
really does seem that the change owners and the community are talking entirely 
past each other at this point.

Some time ago, during the discussion of the default modular streams, there was 
a big pushback on some aspects of it from the community and the feedback was 
rejected and/or ignored in a similar manner that happens throughout those ELN 
threads. In the end, the eclipse module did exactly that and it affected a big 
portion of our userbase: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1780827

So overall, I'm -1 on the proposal and as things currently stand, I won't be 
adding any of those conditionals at the Python SPEC files or any other smaller 
library that I maintain. I'll happily reconsider if the feedback is heard and 
the pain points have been addressed or are at least planned to be addressed.

P.S. It took me some days to actually draft this mail, as in general those 
times, emotions can run wild and I wanted to be objective, if that's even 
possible. And I understand that some things might have changed as the thread 
progressed, so apologies if any of my points are not valid anymore. 


Charalampos Stratakis
Software Engineer
Python Maintenance Team, Red Hat
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