mike cloaked wrote:
> Some people use nightlies for example -
> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/nightly/latest-
> Here there are no 64 bit versions that I am aware of?
> I do this when the stock version is somewhat behind even the stable
> release from mozilla.  eg in f12 the current thunderbird is 3.1.4 but
> the current f12 version is 3.0.7, and similar for firefox. Yet this is
> still a supported release - yes f13 is up to current stable releases
> from mozilla for both of these.

You can get properly packaged Firefox and Thunderbird RPMs (including 64-bit 
ones) from Remi Collet's repository: http://blog.famillecollet.com/
He has the current versions backported to F12.

        Kevin Kofler

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