On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 7:36 PM Matthew Miller <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 12:57:25PM -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
> > of the RPM database. Once the RPM database is moved, it becomes
> > possible to split /var into its own subvolume and make it trivial to
> > configure a full boot-to-snapshot system leveraging the technologies
> > we have available to us.
> The Benefit to Fedora section alludes to this, but doesn't really spell it
> out... since this seems like a pretty compelling benefit, it probably
> should.

Added. There's more hurdles to jump, just so no one thinks snapshots
and rollbacks are showing up in Fedora 36. There's a quandary with
/boot which likewise is married to /usr via the vmlinuz kernel
modules. As we snapshot /usr how do we retain vmlinuz such that we can
still boot those older snapshots? And then how do we do it considering
Boot Loader Spec expects "boot" (or $BOOT) volume to be shared among
multiple distros?

Related is the "discoverable sub-volumes specification" discussion, so
that we have a way of self-described assembly of systems during
startup instead of having to depend on fstab, or any other database
for that matter, to know how a system should boot.

Chris Murphy
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