On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 09:35:54 -0700,
  Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:
> Greetings. 
> Fedora 14 was a pretty relaxing and stable release. I'm thinking that

Maybe for some people. Having spin stuff break before the alpha and final
releases, was neither dull nor relaxing. The beta was OK for me, but dealing
with the systemd change probably wasn't dull nor relaxing for the people
that had to deal with that.

> Any other exciting work in progress that might land in F15 that people
> are actively working on?

If Phillip gets a chance to work on LZMA Squashfs for 2.6.38, it will probably
make it in as a feature (more stuff being crammed in on a live CD / DVD).

Brian Lane is being pretty active with livecd-tools, so maybe some other
goodness will happen there.
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