If people are wondering how it looks like when Fedora's code of conduct is violated when people partaking in community discussions and receive attacks in private as an result of that here's an example of that.

This individual has already sent at least me death threats ( privately ), been blocked on other projects ( non fedora related ) mailinglist ( not involving me in those ) shown questionable behavior on the ISC mailinglist and now two years later he's at it again.

Word of advice when attack like these happen in private the best way to deal with it first and foremost try not let it discourage you, secondly expose the attacker to the broader community ( which I'm doing with this post and did last time as well ) since Fedora CoC is powerless to deal with this ( Often these attackers frequently change email addresses ) and the attacker knows it, like his response to me in private when I exposed him last time here on devel.

"little idiot: the Fedora COC don't apply for pruvate mails just because the topic is fedora relevant"

On 14.4.2022 21:46, Reindl Harald (privat) wrote:

Am 14.04.22 um 22:49 schrieb Jóhann B. Guðmundsson:
"In the bios, upgraded to 810 the option to enable legacy boot is greyed out"

So how do people propose the situation to be handled when firmware from vendors, disables the legacy boot option via firmware update.

Is Fedora supposed to block/blacklist those firmware updates via some plugin in lvfs based on user feedback when their legacy boot mode suddenly stops working or is it expected that upstream lvfs team looks into this or what?
are you mentally ill?

there are tons of physical hardware and virtual machines which don't give a shit and just work in BIOS mode

and smome are installed that way because UEFI has no fucking way to keep /boot on RAID1 over multiple disks

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