On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 09:32:37AM -0500, Jon Masters wrote:
> I've had a few off-list conversations with various community members
> about this. One thing that came up was that the alternative namespace is
> necessary, but also that "lom" is a sub-optimal choice. One idea that
> did come up was simply to call them "net" (net0, etc.) or perhaps "net"
> followed by another letter like "netm" or something. To avoid
> bikeshedding this to death though, I think Matt's "lom" naming is fine
> for the moment unless we happen to all agree on something else.

There's an upstream conversation about the naming convention here:

For the record, right now, biosdevname uses:

  emN_(vf).(vlan) for embedded devices
  pci(slot)#(port)_(vf).(vlan) for add-in cards.

If the device does not support SR-IOV, then the _(vf) part is omitted.

If no huge objections on the upstream thread, I'll push this into
rawhide ASAP.


Matt Domsch
Technology Strategist
Dell | Office of the CTO
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