On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 09:29:10PM +0100, Till Maas wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 08:39:50PM -0600, BJ Dierkes wrote:
> > All three pieces follow each release meaning, when 0.8.12 (current stable) 
> > was released... new tarbals were released for all three.  The reason for 
> > separate tarbals is primarily for maintaining releases via PyPi [2].  I 
> > need all three pieces to be separate so that users can 'easy_install 
> > cement', without pulling in a dozen dependencies for cement.devtools or 
> > cement.test.  I don't have the luxury of creating 'subpackages' in PyPi, so 
> > I have to break up the sources.  
> > What I would like to see is if this type of situation would lend itself to 
> > making an exception to the FPG regarding 'one source per package'.  I 
> > assume the section 'Bundling of multiple projects' [4] is relevant, though 
> > it is pretty vague.  I guess what I'm looking for is for someone with more 
> > time in the community to give some advice on this situation.  Ideally, I 
> > would like to be able to maintain a single package set for say 'cement', 
> > but with Source0 (cement), Source1 (cement.devtools), Source2 (cement.test).
> To quote the guidelines:
> | Fedora packages should make every effort to avoid having multiple,
> | separate, upstream projects bundled together in a single package.
> Since all tarballs belong to the same upstream project, there is nothing
> wrong with using all three in one SPEC.
> > Or would it be recommended to have a separate tarbal like 
> > 'cement-all-0.8.12.tar.gz' which would include all parts of the project, 
> > and use that as Source0?
> I do not see any additional value for Fedora when doing this.

Separate packages do have benefits for users.  Here's an example:

Let's say that I'm doing new development on cement-0.9 atm but someone
reports a security issue that needs attention on the current stable release
of cement.devtools-0.8.12.  If I was upstream, I'd be very tempted to only
release a new cement.devtools- and not bother with a cement-
version (with no changes other than the version bump) since 1) I want to get
the security update out ASAP and 2) Why inconvenience my users with
downloading cement again when only users of cement.devtools need to do

For packagers, whether the upstream decided to release cement- or
not, you have the same choice as long as you use separate srpms.  You can
say... hmmm... upstream's changelog for cement is "* Keep version number in
sync with cement.devtools release" I think I'll skip this update to cement
so that users don't have to download the new package for no benefit.  if you
use on srpm, a change to any of the tarballs is going to mean you need to
update for all of them.

So if you're going to draft a change to the Fedora Guideline, I'd phrase it
as "If you are the upstream for the package and you are always going to
release updates of the tarballs simultaneously (even if there's only changes
to some of the tarballs) you may include multiple tarballs in the same
package."  I don't know that I'm convinced that I'd vote for that but
I think that's the approach that would make the most sense.


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